Example sentences of "[conj] he [be] [adv] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 Dommer had been following the exchange from his bunk , where he was obsessively stripping and reassembling his flamer .
2 Don waved back and then gestured towards The Bell Inn where he was clearly heading .
3 He did n't know why he had come , hated himself for coming , but had by now tormented himself into a state of mind where he was deliberately looking for fresh spasms of anguish .
4 The largest explosion would take place at the base , where he was now working and that , too , would take the longest to plant .
5 There might well be a public library very near where he was now walking .
6 He also left money for prisoners in the city 's prisons and the Gate House at Westminster and for poor householders in his ward and in two London parishes — St Magnus and St Christopher le Stocks , where he was then living — and in the parishes of Dorney and Burnham in Buckinghamshire and Sittingbourne in Kent , where he owned property .
7 In 1976 I was ready to abandon the whole project , but a former student of , also a Swede , named , offered to take the project to Norway ( where he was then working ) , and complete the corpus there .
8 And after Jim 's death , to be destructive became an attitude , as opposed to what Jim did — playing out a mythic drama where he was really wrestling his own death .
9 Either there are more bitches on heat in the village nowadays , or he 's simply getting into the habit of looking .
10 Depending on which gossip column you read he 's either planning to wed his long-term live-in girlfriend , Toukie Smith , sister of the late fashion designer Willie Smith , or he 's secretly dating model Naomi Campbell .
11 The change was not his fault , although he was guilty of the self-deception or he was still talking of ‘ the ploughman ‘ with his team on the world 's rim … ’ ’ .
12 Currently , his network of clubs covers the south east of England , in Heston , Raynes Park , Chigwell , Finchley , Enfield , Eastbourne and Bushey , although he is already looking at new sites in Kent and Scotland and the intention is to expand to other areas of Britain , including Northern Ireland .
13 Singer , for example , although he is here questioning the alleged rights of the human foetus , admits that it must have a potential that
14 It is a big , square box , painted dirty white , and , although he is always knocking through , extending , repapering and spring-cleaning , there is something dead about the place .
15 Three weeks ago doctors discovered he was suffering from a form of TB , although he is now recovering from that .
16 This is a shame , for although he 's admittedly playing to a club audience , you do n't have to suppress the songs to maintain the groove — and the doctor has proved with ‘ Killer ’ and tonight 's storming version of ‘ Flashback Jack ’ , that he has some potent stimulants in his black bag .
17 This is a shame , for although he 's admittedly playing to a club audience , you do n't have to suppress the songs to maintain the groove — and the doctor has proved with ‘ Killer ’ and tonight 's storming version of ‘ Flashback Jack ’ , that he has some potent stimulants in his black bag .
18 BONG : First , veteran newsman Sandy Gall walked out on his wife after 34 years , although he 's now trying to patch things up .
19 Although he 's still boosting big time , Moet 's main aim is to start a club with a couple of his Lyricist Lounge partners , including Danny Castro .
20 Although he was only acting the part , Charles felt Bill Holroyd 's relief .
21 When he invited farmers through the Darlington and Stockton Times to consider growing mushrooms as a way of diversifying he received well over 100 calls although he was only looking for ten .
22 Her eyes had rarely left his face , although he was now tramping about the room , gesticulating as he talked .
23 After a few years caddying on and off for de Vicenzo , Dave went into full-time caddying in the mid-1970s , although he was still doing work other than caddying when he took the bag of Vicente Fernandez .
24 He , he 's trying to make , he , he 's making him , you aggressive is n't he and I would say that he 's just thinking it 's low if I 'm going and this guy because , you know
25 ‘ Are you trying to tell me that old Hardiman is Con 's solicitor — and that he 's also acting for our mystery man ?
26 Pound may be right or wrong about the merits of Binyon 's version , as about the sorts of language that are acceptable in verse translation ; what is certain is that he 's here applying to diction a sort of sliding scale or set of variable standards such as Ford 's principles did n't allow for .
27 ‘ I 'm insulted that he 's even talking about me on the tape — and I 'm sure the other players he 's mentioned feel the same .
28 Jacklin reports that he 's still hitting the ball well and ‘ feels hungry ’ again .
29 The fact that he 's only risking his career — and mine , and the government 's — does n't really make any difference .
30 But his work has been destroyed so many times in the rads that he 's now giving up .
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