Example sentences of "[conj] he [verb] her [art] " in BNC.

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1 It was touching to me to see how she would sometimes act helpless because she loved him being , as he often was , masterful with her , as well as tender ; and for his part it was easy to see that he thought her a wonderful woman and admired every inch of her .
2 She had to admit that he worried her a lot .
3 I was n't sure if this was a reproach that he deserted her the rest of the year .
4 Ricky was so furious with Perdita for deliberately sabotaging her scholarship that he gave her the sack .
5 These days she was glad of any invitation to proximity , and curled up beside him so promptly that he gave her an amused sidelong glance as he took her hand in his .
6 She felt certain that he intended her no harm and her fear began to recede , its place taken by a surge of excitement and anticipation .
7 He told her that he was well and that he missed her a lot .
8 Ms Armstrong considers Mr Fallon to be sexist : the reason appears to be that he called her a woman .
9 She declined There was something else she needed from the van so he gave her the keys .
10 However when the party broke up and he offered her a lift home , she was quick to negotiate secretly with her hostess for her bike to remain unmentioned in the stairwell until she came back the next day to collect it .
11 She wrote to him and he sent her a 16mm print , together with letters 12 and 15 pages long , ‘ jammed with such an enthusiasm for movies that words ran together and the pressure he applied to the keys left the paper riddled with holes ’ .
12 But he was OK and he sent her a big kiss .
13 And on the Monday morning my dad rang the doctors and he sent her a prescription and on the Thursday he had to call him out .
14 Jenna 's cheeks flushed with embarrassment and he slanted her a look of dark-eyed amusement .
15 When , pulses racing in a most disturbing manner , she tried to withdraw her arm his grip tightened , and he slanted her a glance from beneath long thick lashes that held a distinct challenge .
16 His face tightened and he shot her a quick assessing glance .
17 She stared at his profile , trying to see in him her old hero , and he shot her an intrigued look as he felt her eyes on him .
18 And he passed her the list he had been looking at when she entered .
19 And he goes , he goes , he goes well , you know , and he tells her the story .
20 The word seemed to be torn from him , laden with reluctant decision , and he flung her a savage look .
21 ‘ There seemed to be some doubt in your mind about my exact gender , ’ Maggie put in drily , and he cast her an irritated look , his dark eyes running over her again as she sat facing him , her hands in the pockets of the loose shirt .
22 The engine fired on the fourth kick and he flashed her a victorious smile .
23 And he gave her a proper snog .
24 Father immediately suggested that Jenny go and sit on his lap and he gave her a big cuddle .
25 She blew the darkness away and he gave her a quick smile as the last doubt faded .
26 C'm on , will you ? ’ and he gave her a hand suiting up against the outside cold .
27 A wary look came into Johnny 's eyes and he gave her a quick glance of alarm .
28 She looked pointedly at the stairs behind him , and he gave her a thorough scrutiny , as though trying to work out exactly what was on her mind .
29 He took her out to a restaurant one evening , a farewell dinner , he said , as she was going to go back and live with her mother , and he gave her a lot to eat and drink and later that night came into her room and raped her .
30 She made no pretence of hiding her eagerness , and he gave her a wry smile .
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