Example sentences of "[conj] he [verb] what the " in BNC.

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1 Your reader will then know that you are not presuming that she or he knows what the term means .
2 I feel that he is really saying not that he sees the cleverness and the artistic quality of the painting or the message in the paintings as might first be assumed , but that he understands what the church is doing , instead of helping the poor , it was showing the pictures to educate them about God .
3 It does n't follow that he knows what the matter is — ‘ honestly , though , I do n't know what 's wrong with me , ’ he adds .
4 She stared at him and he knew what the answer was going to be .
5 And he said what the heck will I do now when my savings is gone ?
6 And Julius Caesar stood in France in because he was in , the place he captured in France , and he could see Britain across the water and he wondered what the land was like over there .
7 Obviously he can create a better model if he knows what the interviewee looks like , how he dresses , talks and responds non-verbally .
8 He was n't sure if he liked what the Headmaster had in store for the Bookman and they had started arguing about it .
9 I suspect that he is doing so because he believed what the Home Secretary said when he intervened .
10 Over the next few months Endill began to hate his schoolwork more and more ; not because it was difficult and boring but because he thought what the teachers taught him was of no use .
11 He wondered whether he dared ring Victoria or Emma , but when he saw what the time was , he knew he could not .
12 This , to his great astonishment , caused a considerable disturbance ; and when he inquired what the people meant by putting themselves out over a black man , an Englishman who was passing answered : ‘ Well , perhaps you do n't know it , but you have just thrown one of Her Majesty 's judges out of the train . ’ ’
13 Next time , we 're going back with a record player and a Thin Lizzy record , we 're going to plug it in and when he asks what the hell we 're doing , we 'll say , ‘ Just listening to that Les Paul on the wall there ! ' ’
14 But his concentration was poor these days : he could hardly keep his mind on anything for more than a moment … and even when he heard what the Padre said it made no sense … " the Editor of The Times as wise as God Himself ! "
15 ’ — but when he heard what the fees would be if he stayed he decided that he was hanged if he was going to spend all that money on being upset .
16 Llewelyn was close in his chamber with his chaplain-secretary and Ednyfed Fychan over the dictation of letters , and his seal was already on the credentials of the envoys who were to represent him in Shrewsbury ; but David , when he heard what the messenger had to report , on his own authority brought him in to the conference and shattered it .
17 Ackroyd knew immediately where he meant and his blood ran cold as he knew what the foreman was going to say next .
18 At once Matthew relaxed , his eyes creasing in a smile as he wondered what the old man was up to .
19 By nature , he was a gentle , sensitive man , and even in the throes of angry threats against whites it was hard to hide a smile , for he loved what the blacks call ‘ selling wolf tickets ’ , tricking people into fear .
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