Example sentences of "[conj] he [verb] [not/n't] do " in BNC.

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1 Anyone in possession of material inside information must either disclose it to the investing public or if he is disabled from disclosing it in order to protect a corporate confidence , or he chooses not to do so , must abstain from trading in or recommending the securities concerned while such inside information remains undisclosed .
2 The fact that he chose not to do so was seen as a tacit admission of the widely held view that the foreign policy successes of President George Bush had made his re-election an inevitability .
3 ‘ He is n't our dog , but he lives next door to us , ’ she explained , ‘ so I suppose I 'd better take charge of him and see that he does n't do any more mischief . ’
4 And I 've noticed that he does n't do it when there 's anyone important in , is n't it shameful , no sense of responsibility to the audience , no sense — your doorbell 's ringing , darling . ’
5 Now , God never asks us to do something that he does n't do himself .
6 It took her a moment to realize that she 'd expected Daak to add his comment , and that he had n't done so .
7 Now , in the faint light of the dawning day she had to accept that he had not done so .
8 He also became very defensive and threatened human visitors in a way that he had not done before the young were born .
9 Jeffrey , who had been the youngest MP , but not for long , and the deputy chairman of the Party for a little while , considered that he had not done at all badly .
10 Speculation has raged as to whether he did privately support rearmament but the likelihood is that he did not do so before the start of the Korean War .
11 But I even find it frightening that he did n't do anything .
12 That he has not done so tends to confirm that the firing was a spontaneous action triggered by the unexpected escalation of Mr Buchanan 's attack on the NEA .
13 It would take a musical analysis to find out whether the offerings to which these two extremes respond are really worlds apart ’ ( Adorno 1976 : 13 ) , we know that the question implied in the final sentence has already been answered in his own mind , just as surely as we know that he has not done the musical analysis but simply conflated Elvis and … whom ?
14 A person who is wrongly accused will know that he has not done that of which he is suspected , example , and may be indignant at being the object of suspicion .
15 the thing , I mean everybody 's been complaining about that but considering all that he has n't done bad has he ?
16 I mean he does the big functions and he does n't do a bad job
17 I was a stocky baby with good bone , but perhaps my ears were on the large side — but then so were Clark Gable 's and he did n't do so bad .
18 He has run 165 marathons , 76 half-marathons , nine 61-milers , 13 30-milers and 13 25-milers — and he did n't do his first marathon until shortly before his 60th birthday .
19 It was n't an accident , and he did n't do it himself .
20 Er not very long because he er he started a business and er and he did n't do ever so well cos times were bad in the twenties you know as you know .
21 Then the Prince came up and had a try and he did n't do any better . ’
22 mm and he did n't do so well in his college days did he ?
23 And I goes no he hated it , he used to get detention every day for not wearing his cap he hated it and he did n't do any work .
24 right past them with his dog and he did n't do a thing .
25 Oh and he did n't did he ?
26 ‘ Some people said that he 'd have to change his style when he turned professional , but so far he 's stuck to his natural game , and he has n't done badly with it so far .
27 And he has n't done that has he ?
28 ‘ He promised me the ricks would be covered , and he has n't done it !
29 See I hoped wi David to ring me before half past three before he sets off , and he has n't done yet .
30 This stupid Lee at the moment for his exam , he 's meant to have done it by Christmas and he has n't done it for C D T , and he , they had to just choose something erm to make that actually sort of works , so Lee could n't , I mean they did crane 's and things like that and he could n't , the thing he came up with and he 's teacher was a , a go erm , what was it Dave , a goalie stand in his goal
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