Example sentences of "[conj] i know [pron] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 You have told me you had a ticket to Miami to go and shoot herself and Jimmy Zaidie but you cancelled it , although I know you did go to Miami subsequently ( around Christmas time 1986 ) to carry out your threat . ’
2 What annoys me is that I know I saw the damn thing not too long ago !
3 ‘ I wanted to say , you see , that I know you thought Frannie should n't have gone , and that it 's ruined your holiday plans , and , on behalf of us all , I 'm sorry .
4 I 'd been looking down all the time we were talking , but he made me look up then , and our eyes met and I know something passed between us .
5 Now I know as I was saying a few moments ago , I travelled to the continent just recently , and I know we had to pay a surcharge on the flight .
6 I remember the elocution teacher was very keen on the modern plays that were being published then — and I know we worked on Pinter which actually led me to use the part of Mick in The Caretaker for my subsequent auditions in England for a place in drama school .
7 Was that had we and I know we mentioned it when we met last time , but was that really we 're including in E O work with the unemployed .
8 and there were about three of them and I know they had shafts and me mother used to say keep away from those shafts
9 erm and I know they sold about five or six tickets at least next week
10 And I know they got to palletize them , wrap 'em and shift 'em and everything but er as our lot more than .
11 And I know they moved to Brighton together .
12 I think that is a lot of infection about and I know what brought on my cold , it was going out with Mark to Lathenham , and instead of wearing my anorak I only wore my lambs wool throw over , and I got jolly chilled coming out of the car and going into Lathenham church .
13 The Minister held a number of meetings and I know what went on , but the opportunity was lost .
14 And I know he went to classes and things after he left school .
15 And I know he had , you know he was stubborn , he would n't give in , nobody would he give in to nobody then .
16 Course , I was looking out the window and I know he took I picked it out and it I looked again , there 's another one in there , course she 's only getting out the bath put them in a bowl like I was !
17 I know that he kicked and punched me ; I know he told me this was what I wanted , that no one would ever love me , and this was all I was fit for ; and I know he raped me .
18 And I know he worked in insurance , but there must be hundreds of insurance offices , and dozens of schools . ’
19 He had the great gift of making you feel confident in your own ability to do things , and I know he did wonders for the West Riding children .
20 And it 's not fair to say it 's because of the beard because the beard 's not my fault , they just did n't shave in the jungle in whatever century it 's going to be when we get there and I know I grew it early but that 's the way I am , I like to start thinking myself into the part as soon as possible .
21 Well it 's just been extraordinarily successful er and I know I interrupted what you 're saying , think it 's been successful because are beginning to care again
22 ‘ I know how you feel , and I know I caused it .
23 The first time I went he got us to do a drink diary and I know I did n't tell the truth .
24 He wobbled me only once , and I know I did the same to him .
25 That gap year between school and college was all very well , and I know you enjoyed beachcombing in Thailand , and even your spell in the bush , teaching Hottentots .
26 It 's meant a lot to me , and I know it did to her . ’
27 It gives me the creeps and I know it frightened the kiddies .
28 She had been outraged when her husband left for another woman , had addressed him with religious vehemence and spoken of hell , but as time passed she had realised that life was very much more pleasant without him , that he was generous with money , and so she had , not forgiven , but ceased to revile him ; and I know she found grim amusement in my stepmother 's harassed countenance and the irritating ways of her two small children .
29 There is the youth hostel and I know who built that cos he 's a friend of mine .
30 And I know who did it !
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