Example sentences of "[conj] i could not be " in BNC.

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1 Just before I snapped out of it , aborted the failed trance , I thought I saw — although I could n't be certain — the ragged hole in the beard through which Gyggle addressed the world unravel a little at its edge , exposing a slug side of what might have been Gyggle 's lip .
2 Born in May 1964 , Bustin , ‘ grew up with the idea that I could n't be an artist , since , one , I was n't male , and two , I was n't mad ! ’
3 By the time that I began to work with Ahmed and Amitha , I had resolved within myself that I could n't be anything other than a Black lesbian and that was in itself its own political identity , one that did not require validation from either the women 's , gay or Black movements .
4 Born in May 1964 , Bustin , ‘ grew up with the idea that I could n't be an artist , since , one , I was n't male , and two , I was n't mad ! ’
5 So that they began to hint that I could n't be so very friendly if I was afraid to take them round to meet him .
6 Then I got so that I could not be bothered .
7 I was reminding the golfing spirits that I could not be caught napping .
8 Because he lost sight of me quickly , he knew that I could not be going down to the river or turning left into the church : he had an uninterrupted view of both .
9 The problem was that I could not be sure if this was your true feeling for me , or just your terror of Mathilde 's ghosts making you cling to me in that delightful and extremely inflammatory fashion .
10 His teeth did n't fit awfully well , so I could n't be sure .
11 I left Werewolf with a withering look and headed for the edge of the road , cutting back deeper into the trees so I could n't be seen from the farmhouse when I reached the fenced-off field .
12 ‘ Quite frankly , Ken and I could n't be bothered to let our place and give out all those orders . ’
13 There had n't been a show , I had no contractions and I could n't be sure that my waters had broken . ’
14 You see , I needed to see you away from the château , and I could n't be sure you 'd come with me today .
15 So I er , I politely told him what he could do with that , well , I was eating his dinner and I could n't be too rude to him , but erm , you know , when er when , when confronted , I do n't give ground over that kind of thing .
16 ‘ I was treating this as a speed session before the Gisborough Moors race and I could n't be more pleased . ’
17 I had butterflies all over again and I could n't be more delighted . ’
18 Erm , I probably would have done because I made lots of mistakes and I could n't be bothered to go back and check them !
19 I was thinking that if I could n't be a nurse I just wanted to die …
20 The point is that if I could not be distinguished from others in some way , then the utterance ‘ It 's me ’ would be useless .
21 Cos I could n't be bothered and I was n't dressed and it would be going all over to south London .
22 But I could not be content just to walk alongside a pretty one and hear her giggling .
23 Once I noticed the familiar gap in a row of houses like the space left by a drawn tooth , but I could not be certain that it was the result of bombing and if it was it had happened a long time ago .
24 They had my sympathy , but I could not be greatly interested .
25 It might have been a Seiko , but I could n't be sure .
26 The cycle chain came off twice on the three miles back to the van , but I could n't be cross .
27 I said I was rather tied up at the school over most week-ends ; though the half-term holiday was the week-end after next and I might just be in Athens then — but I could n't be sure .
28 I thought once or twice that I saw a glint of sardonic amusement in Conchis 's eyes , but I could n't be sure .
29 I could have messed about to get the price under 20m to make them legit. teans but I could n't be arsed !
30 I knew you were protecting someone , but I could n't be sure who .
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