Example sentences of "[conj] i said [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 My flower — the one that I remember best out of many — was gathered where I said it had been .
2 Said not , not only that I said we do n't have anywhere to park her car that 's why I said I 'm after your car park .
3 No , because she said something , she said that I said something did n't she ?
4 And that was the film with the scene of the boy coming into the bar that I said I thought of when I saw Boy coming in sometimes .
5 I said well frankly Cheryl with her record I 'm not in I said she takes off when she pleases , she comes down when she wants something I said she doing me some good at christmas I said I do I quite understand that I said I do understand and I 'm I 've nothing nothing to do with me that 's entirely up to you and she said and you would n't tell me what to do you wo n't change our minds , I said no I 'm not trying to change your minds but you asked me what I would do I said and I think there and now she 's She said and I do n't care what you done , I 'll do I 'll do , I said she 's got hundreds of where they smash the windows and break into so regularly .
6 When I was arrested in August , one charge against me was that I said I wanted free elections , ’ said Mr Carnogursky , aged 45 .
7 Yep and and he does n't seem to be able to concentrate and I said , but Neil you can drive , when you go out with me you drive beautifully yes but yours is an automatic car , I said , it 's not that I said you 've got road sense you know what you 're doing , I said your good .
8 Of course , over the years we 've campaigned , as I was telling someone only yesterday in another club that I go to at the church , that I said you know we , the Co-op Womens ' Guild , were helping to put water into Africa before any of this Band-aid and Live-aid was thought about .
9 She says that I said she looked like a bloody parrot .
10 Now er it was n't that night I said it , it was afterwards so I said what did you think about the concert then ?
11 She asked me to a cocktail-party to which I did n't want to go , so I said I had a cold which was n't true at the time but knowing my chest I guessed that I should have a bronchial cough at any moment and so I did .
12 Yes , but this fellow you see , I said to him erm , you had a lot to do with that fellow , he 'd , he 'd been down to collect him from someone on the South Coast as well with a police of course , and I said what happened to the little girl ? he said oh she 's been in psychiatric care , care for four years
13 And erm she said all right and I said what do I do with them and she said I 'll put them down in the base at the back and I said all right so I went back on the shop floor just before I was coming out come out .
14 Cos Dora rang and she said could er somebody get her twenty pounds worth and I said what do you want it for ?
15 And I said what have they learnt ?
16 Mostly she quizzed me about the burglars and I said they 'd tried to get in through the bathroom window and one of them had put a foot through it , probably coming from the roof next door , and I generally made out that there was a whole gang of footpads up there lying in wait for Santa Claus .
17 I said , you 're joking and I said they sell the house to you
18 That 's it well tha there 's Peggy says I said oh well I 'm a bit erm worried about taking them and I said they have been known to get up and walk out , and said , surely not !
19 My mother I remember there was a sale of work going on at Palfrey church once and bef I had just been made apprentice at Wolverhampton and of course I got amongst the , they , when they came the , the Derby day they were all having a bet on it so I , I said to the give them half a crown , so he said you ca n't have half a crown and he said what do you want it for so I said they 're putting it on a horse was on this horse it won , so of course this sale of work was in great progress when I gets off the train at station and thought well I could n't understand in er Palfrey Church Hall , so she was there in all her finery and I said we 've won , we 've won she said shut up , shut up she said but erm no I think the biggest character in Caldmore was Father .
20 And I said , yes , I said , and I said we bought we bought a pack of each .
21 We talked about it this morning and he kept saying where 's kidney and I said we have n't got any waiting for it to come in .
22 And I said anyone ringing up D and telling him would get £25 .
23 I rushed him to hospital and the doctor asked how it was done and I said he 'd fallen over on the step .
24 Yeah , and I said he said something about going to the pictures so he 's going on about it .
25 And and I said he 's got , you know she 'd have nothing to leave .
26 And I said to them , here I said , her husband I said handles money and I said he knows what he 's on about .
27 And I said he did n't .
28 And I said she said I you see I know him .
29 But course when I opened it up Robert said Carolyn wanted that back he said she bought for herself and I said she did n't say that
30 Like this , you see looking for and I said she 's gone on a bike ride !
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