Example sentences of "[conj] i will [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 I mean they 're the ones who are badgering me for , for qualifications , they 're badgering me for , I , I , I just told them straight that I will do it for them because I , I wo n't get paid for it
2 I know it is unlikely that I will see it , but just the thought that I might is enough .
3 I find it difficult to put my thoughts and feelings about this into words , so I will leave it to others .
4 The weather is getting colder so I will appreciate it a great deal .
5 The position is as I have stated and I will repeat it for the benefit of the right hon. Gentleman .
6 It would be dangerous to suggest that this impossibility is in any strong sense theoretical , i.e. open to mathematical proof , and I will assume it is no more than a strong empirical impossibility .
7 I have just one thing to fear and I will show it to you .
8 Give me a goddess 's work to do ; and I will do it .
9 Everything I do in future I will tackle with total concentration and self-assurance , and I will do it well .
10 That is a thing to do and I will do it .
11 Tell me what you want and I will do it . ’
12 Do n't bother about that , Eileen and I will do it .
13 And I will do it if that man 's not gon na see me .
14 I 'll get it sorted and I will do it again !
15 I bet you , I 'll tell you what I 've got a game and I will fetch it down
16 So write , Nicholas , ’ he said , leaning back relaxed and smiling in his chair , ‘ and I will sign it .
17 And I will leave it to you , dear reader , to make a choice .
18 Erm and I will bring it to you finally when it 's in a form to be adopted as the procedure which this board will use erm either , you know , or delegate er the chief executive to use in the case of any appointments .
19 State the price and I will pay it . ’
20 And I will read it as farm tenants of Leicestershire county council we wish to retain the freedom to make the decision ourselves as to whether fox hunting with hounds takes place on our land .
21 He 's been shooting off his mouth about me and I will close it for him ’ Lennox Lewis DONALD MACLEOD Lennox Lewis : ‘ The only fear I know inside the ring is the fear of losing .
22 ‘ I 've always said it and I will say it again , that drug takers are cheats and should be banned from the sport .
23 ‘ I am going to see The King And I tonight , ’ said one of the committee to him unctuously , ‘ and I will appreciate it much more . ’
24 ‘ Your consent to our becoming lovers , as the inaccurate word is … and I will have it , ’ he added in a low , intense mutter , almost as if he spoke to himself , as his hands closed over her hips .
25 He will photograph me on the horse and I will have it to keep .
26 sorry , Mr Chairman we have regular meetings with the Suffolk utilities and er this point can be made to them , although each of the utilities has it 's own colour , so that then perhaps those intended which are holes that have to be repaired , but certainly I can , I can erm understand Mr 's concern and I will put it to the next meeting of the Suffolk Highway Meeting this week .
27 Give me your word to meet me at twelve at the attorneys and I will take it . ’
28 He said only , ‘ Punch and I will take it to Bodmin on Friday .
29 I will ask you to write a little note to Uncle Willi and I will take it with us when we go .
30 Now I feel comfortable in my halfway position , and I will take it as it comes . ’
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