Example sentences of "[conj] i have not [adv] " in BNC.

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1 By the way , I have received copies of the Dyfed consultation drafts on golf courses and windfarms , although I have not yet had time to read them .
2 Although I have not yet announced my presence , this does n't stop me giving Rainbow a little treat .
3 You see , I have been searching the moors with my telescope , and although I have not actually seen the prisoner , I have seen the person who is taking him food . ’
4 I think that I am not alone in saying that I have not properly done my job of examining in detail some of the legislation which has come before us .
5 ‘ It 's just that I have not yet learnt to trust the species who , as Kipling points out , is more deadly than the male . ’
6 The nature of my duties both in the Province and in this House means that I have not yet had the pleasure and privilege of reading Dr. FitzGerald 's book , but I shall take on hearsay what the hon. Gentleman says about this entry .
7 Both can occur as syllabic , but only as a result of processes such as assimilation and elision that I have not yet described .
8 I can not emphasize too strongly that I have not here attempted to provide a detailed exposition or erect a comprehensive critique of multiculturalist and antiracist assumptions and practices .
9 As I mentioned at the beginning , many of the methodological problems are faced by other social scientists , and , of course , sociologists of religion will also employ other sociological methods and techniques that I have not specifically mentioned ( it was , for example , important to use a pilot questionnaire to test my questions for ambiguities and so on ) .
10 How glad I am , she thought simply , that I have not suddenly contracted syphilis .
11 Sleep has left me and I feel that I have not long to live .
12 ‘ And how , my interfering little sister , can you be so sure that Caroline and I have not already ‘ got together ’ ? ’
13 I propose to think over the situation of the Government generally during the week-end and I have not yet made any definite decisions as to possible changes of Ministers .
14 ‘ It will just be my family and me there , and I have not really told that many people about it . ’
15 I studied mathematics for some years at school and I have not totally forgotten all of them .
16 " Granted , but I have not yet discovered his . "
17 ‘ It was not what I expected , but I have not yet had a real chance to find out what went wrong .
18 They give me hope — but I have not much .
19 This is crazy , because I have not yet been able to decide what Claudia was like .
20 ‘ I have not decided whether to appeal because I have not yet officially been informed as to why I have been fined ’ he said .
21 He said : ’ I reserve my position on that because I have not only got to find money for the welfare changes .
22 As I have not yet heard back from you since then , I wonder if you could confirm that you are still interested in receiving a copy of the tape ?
23 I do view this as one of the ‘ great classics but I do not know if I would say it is the greatest book ever written in English as I have not yet read widely enough but I would definitely say that for all the above reasons that it is a great book .
24 It has signed a three-book contract and is so bullish that I 've included it in Ones to Watch even though I have not even had one chapter .
25 So far , I have not talked much about man in particular , though I have not deliberately excluded him either .
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