Example sentences of "[conj] i had n't [verb] " in BNC.

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1 McEnroe was philosophical : ‘ It just got to be too long where I had n't won the big one .
2 Although I had n't met him before , like many would-be adventurers I 'd read a lot about his life and experiences .
3 He had known where I was because he had received all my letters , although I had n't received any of his .
4 Although I had n't seen her in over thirty years , there was one person in the world who might help me : my sister .
5 We replaced the police barrier to prevent a repetition of Sal 's sudden decision to travel sideways , although I had n't seen another car on the hill either time I 'd been there .
6 ‘ It was the last day of school and I had intended to phone you later although I had n't decided what to say . ’
7 How was I to combat it , physically , menially , and although I had n't thought of it in those terms , spiritually as well ?
8 Although I had n't come across this Siberian wader before , it does turn up in Shetland occasionally .
9 Although I had n't had as many fish as the bait fishers I was very pleased with the success and the quality and also with being afloat at sea in such idyllic circumstances .
10 Of course … except that I had n't noticed this .
11 I had become so interested in a nice neat pattern that I had n't checked if I had found all the shapes .
12 I realised that I had n't visited her for some weeks and agreed to go to her house after school .
13 Because I would think it 's that I had n't given you the
14 I did n't look at Bob ; did n't want to see his disapproval , all too wretchedly aware that I had n't done very well .
15 ‘ I try to keep the grey cells working , ’ I shouted back , more to reassure him that I had n't done a runner out of the kitchen window .
16 I could feel him right outside , but it bothered me that I had n't done anything .
17 I had told Ron , who was with me in Rome , that I had n't seen the point in attending the practice , but he had persuaded me that I ought to attend .
18 Except that I had n't seen him since he lay on his camp-bed and watched me sleeping naked with his beloved wife , the woman I 'd always characterized to him as ‘ sister ’ .
19 Despite Schlesinger 's claims that ‘ there was n't anything in the movie that I had n't seen in some way somewhere ’ and ‘ one was always confronted by something worse on the streets than one was putting into the film ’ , they were attention-getting elements , unabsorbed into the texture of the film .
20 I replied cautiously , acutely aware that I had n't seen Spock and Kirk do their thing for years and that I 'd only seen one episode of the new series .
21 I looked nervously at her face , but it wore a smile , a reminiscent smile that I had n't seen before .
22 to you on the phone that I had not seen the job and that I said yes alright knowing I had n't seen the job , also that you knew that I had n't seen it and if I did n't agree with it , then I was gon na change it , and I 've changed it !
23 The greatest relief was that I had n't called in on my way down or I would have been with them .
24 Now it seemed fortunate that I had n't ; just as it seemed , though still obscurely , fortunate that I had n't lost my head in other ways when I wrote to her .
25 I polished the latches a bit with my shirtsleeve , then I put the briefcase back exactly as I 'd found it and took my leaf-trembling self along to the dining car , already regretting , before I got there , that I had n't stayed until the Canadian left , knowing that I 'd wasted some of the best and perhaps the only chance I would get of seeing what Filmer had brought with him on the train .
26 I realized that I had n't moved two feet away from the oven all morning , and I was exhausted .
27 Of course , you did make it clear that I had n't disturbed a lovers ’ tryst out there by the lake , so I 'm curious to know what did send you rushing through the grounds in such a state of agitation ? ’
28 Ven uttered , and to her delight confessed , ‘ Well , there was that occasion when , after being disturbed by thoughts of you all night , I rang you at your hotel the next morning in the hope that I had n't disturbed you . ’
29 How I wish that I had n't gone .
30 How I wish that I had n't gone .
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