Example sentences of "[conj] i had [to-vb] up " in BNC.

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1 Because my experience was not of being poor , the discomforts of the poverty that I had to put up with in the rue Victorie did not suggest themselves as unending .
2 ‘ As the full-time mother of pre-school twins , I just thought that I had to put up with Sam 's barely concealed fling with a neighbour , ’ says Tina .
3 I was surrounded by a crowd of shouting , gesticulating Malts , who pulled at my parachute , lifted my head and drove me so furious that I had to give up the dying idea in order to concentrate completely on kicking every Malt who came within range .
4 I had decided that I had to face up to the fact that John might not come back or he might be gone for a long time and that when he did come back we might not love one another .
5 I told myself that I had to face up to things ; John might have forgotten me , he might have been changed beyond recognition by his experiences ; he would not want me to mope .
6 There is so much energy and life in this recording , so much infectious enthusiasm , that I had to get up and do something .
7 I had a terrible time last Friday — your paper sent me proofs to correct the same day so I had to struggle up with them .
8 By the time I got into position , my lungs were bursting and I had to go up for air again .
9 But the nurse could n't move it and I had to put up with it .
10 He turned left down an alley without indicating and I had to carve up a Volvo with Swedish number plates in order to follow him .
11 Specially if there was cars on the hill and I had to pull up behind them .
12 She was getting tired of the equipment — the leash and ring and creance — slowing her down , and I had to pluck up the courage to let her fly free for the first time .
13 Certainly , if I were a script writer , and I had to think up the most inappropriate name for a girl dressed as a man , the above tendencies would lead me to choose a monosyllabic form , using a closed syllable , ending in a consonant as far away from a continuant as I can find — a plosive — and with a vowel as far away from /i/ as I can find , such as /a/ or /o/ .
14 Erm and I had to think up something that I do as a hobby er to teach other people .
15 P. A. I got called as a witness in a motoring case , and it came up when I was on nights and I had to get up and call in the solicitor .
16 I was attacked too , and I had to get up next morning and tell my daughter , she did n't have a daddy any more .
17 I used to try and not say er , you know , to make her feel uncomfortable and that sort of thing , but I did use to draw the line when they used to be eleven and half past eleven saying goodnight and I had to get up at half past , six o'clock , seven o'clock
18 So I went to bed and I had to get up and get dressed and go and pick him up
19 He was a tall , heavily built man , and I had to look up to see the bearded face .
20 Erm I had to go to a table like that which said square roots and I had to look up twenty
21 If we get first division people I 'll do it a different way to him if I had to end up with second division people and the responsibilities they take on board will very much reflect that and the same surely should happen to the field sales force erm their abilities are reflected in in what sort of activities we give them and by looking at the people we have we then put together a team to most accurately attack whatever we want to do .
22 Even without your help I 'd find my family , ’ she said in a low tone , ‘ and it would n't matter if I had to look up every Corosini in the phone book and knock on a hundred doors . ’
23 It happened like this : last Saturday , after the farewell party at Nanking University , I came back to the hotel , and packed my things ready to leave for Shanghai , then about 10.30 I started to feel sick , and it got worse and worse and went on and on until I had to wake up Comrade Wu at about 3.30 and ask her to get a doctor .
24 I had such a backache this morning cos I had to get up early .
25 But I had to pop up there and move back all the bits and bobs and the debris and everything .
26 And it was very dark , but I had to go up every night , and I did n't like going up in the dark . ’
27 I usually get one , but I had to go up to Hertford this afternoon .
28 The second one was much more difficult because I had to come up with a script every couple of weeks , and there was so much crammed into each one .
29 I used to have a load of homework to take home with me because I had to catch up but I did n't used to mind that .
30 Plus , while I had to get up at eight for Whiteleys .
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