Example sentences of "[conj] i [adv] [verb] [that] " in BNC.

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1 Later , when I was more familiar with the beliefs and practices of the movement and had ‘ learned the language ’ , I would interact with the Moonies as though I were one of them , and , although I never pretended that I accepted their beliefs or that I was anything other than a sociologist studying the movement , members who did not know me would mistake me for a member — the Moonies themselves were no longer ‘ translating ’ for me when we were interacting .
2 George MacKerracher was a character in himself , and although I always suspected that he made up most of his stories , he told them with such sincerity and verve that they were quite believable .
3 We 're sticking to our original plan , and they 'll have to accept it , although I sometimes think that , if we knew we were about to die , I 'd rather post Oliver through the nearest letter-box and just let him take pot luck .
4 I 'm essentially a social historian , although I sometimes think that if I wanted to find the right adjective , and I 've never been too much worried about adjectives , I would say I 'm really a cultural historian .
5 Although I personally find that a very difficult thing to hear .
6 All that I am saying is that I strongly suspect that those periodic catastrophes make more showing in the stratigraphical record than we have hitherto assumed .
7 I think I think the only thing that I would disagree with there is that I strongly suspect that a lot of tutors in the university , not just women tutors but across the board , really have little idea of the level of sexual harassment that students that female students have identified as being problem in the questionnaire .
8 It was not that I eventually doubted that the Almighty responded to faith , but that because I had been so bound up by the desert , so full of self-interest , so neglectful of the God I was supposed to serve , that I could not have expected any co-operation from him .
9 Somewhat taken aback by this development I tried to explain why I accepted without reservation the account in Genesis to be correct , adding of course that I also accepted that there are genuine brothers and sisters in Christ who are evolutionists .
10 Having said that I also think that Wilko should try out some other partnerships … maybe depending upon the opposition … like White/Forrester , Strandli/Forrester etc .
11 IT WAS with considerable sadness that I recently heard that Grimbergen Airfield , near Brussels , is threatened with closure .
12 Well I 'm , as a matter of fact before that I actually said that er this , all this that I am doing on your behalf is completely free of charge
13 Er there are some areas on that that , that that all of you picked up on that I actually thought that when , just dealing with that part of the C C Q like finding out about details and everything
14 I can claim that I did , and that I never breached that trust , assuming that I had any information of a sufficiently intriguing character to make it worthwhile betraying a friend .
15 It was at that stage that I too decided that it was beyond any rational explanation .
16 This new notion of defeasibility seems to allow ( probably ) that I now know that my children are playing in the garden , because the second added truth negates the defeating powers of the first .
17 The local bye-laws have diminished the flexibility of matches to such an extent that I often feel that I could write a script for them , observing the necessary theatrical unities and climaxing the set piece with a compulsory exciting denouement — a bit like and episode of Neighbours .
18 I know now that I always knew that the woman would find the pictures .
19 No I was just worrying that I always thought that I would never ever like come across anyone who I thought that I can even vaguely click with but I just realized that I can and it 's just quite a nice feeling .
20 My other main concern was that I really felt that I would not be able to do my job any more once I went back .
21 Now this is people 's traditional expectation and they still have it , whereas we 're of the mind that instead of this er you 've very cleverly got in this circle and the last day that I suddenly realized that we 're all equal and moving around in a reasonably organized manner but still we 're rather loose , whereas the traditional view is a parish councillor says it and everybody does the rest , with a few er renegades and revolutionaries at varying parts in your parish .
22 Well that means that I personally believe that the problems which many small village schools face are different problems to which many large urban schools face
23 I needed a fix more than I ever thought that I could .
24 Our exchanges have been by telephone or Royal Mail , so I readily acknowledge that there may be some problems there .
25 Nesting nearby in holes in the boulder were a colony of puffins , and I probably imagined that these Icelandic birds looked larger than those nesting in Shetland , because I knew that studies had shown this to be the case .
26 ‘ Have been reading ’ , I realized even as I struggled to find somewhere to stand the strawboard in the darkness , makes a somewhat smaller claim than ‘ have read ’ , and I scarcely expect that my ‘ books ’ , to anyone outside the very restricted world of philosophical studies , are going to include the two on Spinoza ; all of which suggests a second-hand and partial acquaintance with my only other work , Natural Man .
27 It was students demonstrating , as a result of which a number of them were arrested and I later learnt that a few were sentenced to be flogged .
28 There were no decent men on my own horizons and I already feared that I would be spending my life alone .
29 It was indescribable and I intensely disliked that spot ever since .
30 I always shop on Sunday and I just thought that it was nice to see in the paper today it looks like we will have legalized Sunday trading everywhere for all of us fairly soon .
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