Example sentences of "[conj] i [vb base] as a " in BNC.

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1 It seems that I count as a visitor . ’
2 The application to the local community is one that I put as a challenge to all : How can we help people to take seriously membership in the Eucharistic community of faith ?
3 As I have two young children , I fit my working time around school and sleep times so I am lucky to have a small room at home that I use as a studio .
4 One of my activities outside HTV , approved of by the company , is that I act as a consultant to a communication company and help to train industrialists , business executives and trade union officials who want to come to terms with the necessary techniques of appearing on television .
5 I should make it clear at the outset that I act as a parliamentary consultant to the Professional Association of Teachers and that much of what I shall say tonight will be based on the practical experience of PAT members .
6 That I take as a sort of axiom , as given to start with , in this argument .
7 That I take as a sort of axiom , as , as , as given to start with in this argument .
8 Amaury de Craon wrote to Edward II from Sablé in November 1323 telling him that the ‘ great uneasiness of heart that I feel as a result of the dispute between you and your brother the king of France , our lord , and a desire to find ways , according to my humble ability , to prevent it , has emboldened me to write the following things ’ .
9 All I will say is that I reject as a model of justice the view which has temporarily gained favour in many developed societies : namely , the view that each person is entitled to what he can get , and let the next man look out for himself as best he can .
10 The limitations are the lack of footswitching between the clean/crunch and OD1/OD2 modes , and that I see as a drawback ( unless you find you prefer one or the other and stick to it ) .
11 Erm and I had to think up something that I do as a hobby er to teach other people .
12 Well that 's my idea and I mean as a , then we got the other War .
13 An area representative is a volunteer , just like everybody here in this audience today , and I act as a link between the branches and headquarters , working with the area organiser but representing the branches , for me personally in Sussex .
14 There 's nothing more soul- destroying ( and I speak as a seasoned dieter here ! ) than those inflexible diet regimes : no meals out , no dinner parties , no treats .
15 One welcomes the provision that housing associations can make , and I speak as a member of the management committee of a housing association .
16 It is mind-blowing , and I speak as an expert .
17 and I think as a result of that it , it got disjointed and you , and you could n't follow it through .
18 He was a very physical person and I recall as a child lying on his chest .
19 if I do M D space put here , it will create a sub-directory , below the one two three directory , but if I want as a sub-directory from the roots directory , I have to type M D back-slash put .
20 But I suppose as a bowling green then you but he said that we 've already cut the stick their neck out will they ?
21 The decision in Chamberlain was also followed and referred to in Vestey v IRC 31 TC 1 but Lord Reid did give a warning : The ingenuity of those who devise these schemes is such that it might be rash to say that property can never be comprised in a settlement unless it is charged with rights in favour of others , but I think as a general rule this must now be the test .
22 erm If you take a novel like Dorothy Sayers ' Gaudy Night , which is offered as an example of a classic detective story which really is also a novel about academic life , it 's a love story , I think as a love story and as a novel of academic life it 's in many ways very good indeed , but I think as a detective story it 's completely uninteresting you know because one part has to fade in order that the , the other should come into focus .
23 This is partly due to my experiences as a politician , because I know as a politician that when you are doing something naughty , nothing is more effective than to muddy the waters with complication .
24 He asked me whether I was a country person I asked what the qualifications were he said country born and bred , well I was born in Liverpool spent my childhood and early adolescence in rural Nottinghamshire , moved to Highfields , emigrated to the West Indies and now live in sub rural Blavey so I do n't know whether I qualify as a country person or not , but I 'd like to bet that I 've milked more cows by hand than he has if that 's any qualification .
25 And as I recall as a child there were well over a hundred ponies down Pit at that time , because during the nineteen twenty one strike they brought them all up to the surface and put them in the fields and I used to go with my father to sort of look after them .
26 And their of first office as I recall as a little boy , was on the q quay as we used to say in Porthmadog .
27 As I work as a mechanic on diesel engines I had the opportunity of testing the output of the ‘ W ’ terminal , and it was , as the text books said , 7 to 8 volts .
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