Example sentences of "[conj] i [vb base] [adj] will " in BNC.

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1 My local vet is really helpful , but he 's not a specialist , so I hope this will help him , too !
2 It 's extremely noisy because the surfacing at one stage just did n't take properly for all sorts of reasons the traffic along there is increasing quite dramatically and I hope that will be part of those schemes .
3 ‘ Faced with that choice there can be no doubt what the outside friends of Russia should choose and I hope that will also be the choice of the Russian people , ’ Mr Hurd said .
4 It 's unheard of for a two-year-old to race against older horses in America , but my horse has done well and I hope more will follow us over .
5 These centres are flagships and I hope more will follow . ’
6 So now that 's about all I have on these two missions for you and I hope this will be of some help and er be only too glad to hear from you .
7 And I bet that 'll never do it for sta too long .
8 ‘ Now we have the chance to play together and I believe this will be a wonderful occasion . ’
9 And , and I suspect that 'll be jolly difficult to get that sort of thing done these days .
10 And I suspect that 'll be the smallest skip , I do n't know .
11 And it 'll erm , and I think that 'll be reasonable .
12 ‘ The last four home games are all against good footballing sides — Aston Villa , Liverpool , Manchester United and Leeds — and I think that will be to our advantage . ’
13 The nearest McIntosh comes to direct criticism is when he says : ‘ What we are trying to do is to provide clients with the services that they want and I think that will be the difference .
14 And I think that will be roughly of the order of eight thousand six hundred , so those are our component differences .
15 Can we make a proviso that the delegated action on that A item is in consultation with the local members concerned and I think that will take care of the point .
16 Having read through the er N Y N Y six and N Y seven , I 've got to acknowledge that it 's er far from easy to draw up a unified strategy for employment land in North Yorkshire and I can sympathize with the County Council er in their difficulties with the methodology and I think that they 've adopted a very fair minded approach to this , they 've er highlighted weaknesses wherever they occur , erm and I think that will be very obvious .
17 Yes , well if I ca n't find her , I will have to ring her up and say what hours is she doing here ? and I think that will be a way of finding out , but I 'm not coming before nine and if she 's not here at nine I will want to know why , what time she 's started . .
18 The first paragraph that effectively has been drafted for her give it to B T is likely to be a repeat of what she said about T G I and I think that will be it then so I do n't think that there is any large amount of work other than her work with T G I itself .
19 Well , one thing I think will come out of it is that the Enquiry will say that this closure will have fairly cataclysmic affects on the economy of this city , I think that 's clear , and I think that will come out of it .
20 I think there are some constituencies er where we will , certainly will be making an impression , and I think that will be shown er when , when it happens .
21 Colleagues , could I just advise congress at this stage what we 're , we 've got ta do erm , and I think this will form the basis of what we 're trying to do to expedite business during the course of the week .
22 Oh no er necessarily not , because er depending on the details of the er formula that all the words that er come out of the discussions today , er it 's got to be discussed by the members at grass-roots level , and if we 're not happy with it , we will be sticking to the action er certainly up until when the ballot is taken and if it is voted against er any deal that is struck at the moment , we will continue the action , and I think this will be not only in Oxfordshire , but up and down the country , the strength of feeling nationally is very strong .
23 Well we know that they plan to have fourteen planes in operation by nineteen ninety six and I reckon that will raise their cost of operations to something over six hundred million pounds .
24 If I use unleaded will my engine be less powerful ?
25 Well , they say that remarks that they would feel were friendly remarks directed towards students they stop themselves from saying and examine and think if I say that will I make her feel uncomfortable ?
26 But I hope that wo n't be necessary .
27 It 's all too complicated to write , but I hope this will give you an idea of what it 's about .
28 Yeah , well you check on that , but I think that 'll be okay wo n't it ?
29 But I think that wo n't be a problem .
30 But I think this will be , I mean I 'm more and more I 'm thinking that erm
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