Example sentences of "[conj] i also [verb] [that] " in BNC.

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1 Somewhat taken aback by this development I tried to explain why I accepted without reservation the account in Genesis to be correct , adding of course that I also accepted that there are genuine brothers and sisters in Christ who are evolutionists .
2 Having said that I also think that Wilko should try out some other partnerships … maybe depending upon the opposition … like White/Forrester , Strandli/Forrester etc .
3 Of course , I assume that you have feelings similar to mine , and I also assume that animals which are reasonably like us have feelings that are like ours .
4 I remember , and I also remember that it is a very tiring work .
5 ‘ I know canon law and I also know that it rests on the justice of God .
6 ‘ I know exactly what I have to do and I also know that Nick is the man we all have to beat , ’ said Couples , as he contemplated a Christmas musing over the Masters .
7 And I also know that certain shops in Northern Ireland refused to display it because of the tricolour so that accusation is quite legitimate .
8 You could have — I know that now , and I also know that I could n't have coped with it then . ’
9 And I also know that you spent a summer on rather a long walk .
10 I realized I would need to convince them at the first opportunity that I was primarily a practical policeman and not an academic ; and I also noted that while the college was keen to list the academic qualifications of those on the course , the participants quickly justified Lewis 's assertions by playing them down to emphasize their history of praxis and practical mastery .
11 And I also said that Dr Kemp had n't turned up at the railway station when they 'd arranged for a taxi to pick him up and take him — ’
12 And I also thought that I had conquered that Greek half of me .
13 I am going for water and electricity and I also think that Asda and Kwik-Fit will rally .
14 And I also think that we should looking at harm reduction methods , in schools definitely not drug- wise .
15 ‘ I do n't think it is theatre , and I also think that potentially it 's extremely destructive to the individuals involved , though you can argue that it 's their choice .
16 erm and I also think that a lot of people are struggling with their own lives and they have n't got time to worry about other people .
17 So they 're going to be the conscience and the parenting for that year group and I also suggested that at that time , I think what Rob 's doing is getting the children to look at themselves er , as regards what their strengths and weaknesses are and the P S D have got to clarify that .
18 They really believe , and I also believe that this is a back door entry to privatization .
19 You 're a very busy lady I know and I also believe that your area 's got some fantastic ideas for the seventy fifth , something to do with a special cake recipe .
20 And I also believe that an elected Second Chamber to replace the Lords would feature people of much lesser ability and stature , who would be unable to speak their minds freely because they would be beholden to the same electorate as the Commons .
21 Erm , and I also understand that this is the first time you 've actually had someone from the private sector , er , whose been invited to er , address your A G M so , I 'd like to thank you for the privilege , and for also for the opportunity to speak on a subject which I personally er , find of of great interest .
22 But I also noticed that SmartDrive was active , which is wasteful , as the machine already has its own cached IDE host adaptor .
23 Having been told I was special from a very young age , you believe everything is possible , but I also knew that you got nothing unless you worked hard .
24 I knew that it was quite possible to help Carol remember everything that had happened , but I also knew that it would be quite distressing for her — as indeed the trial itself would be .
25 He looked sad and I knew he did n't want her to leave but I also knew that he hated the constant uproar of quarrelling , so what was he to do ?
26 But I also knew that she was far from pleased with the arrangements .
27 This meant that they would n't be back before the pubs closed , but I also knew that if they knew who I was going out with they would have locked me in .
28 In many ways , I knew his uncompromising attitude was the right one , but I also knew that if Frontenac owned the rights to the novel as librettist , Jean-Claude 's version would be stillborn .
29 I could see that Estella was still proud , and I knew that it was she who made me feel ashamed of home , and Joe , but I also knew that I could never stop loving her .
30 In the struggle and confusion that was going on in my heart I knew that he loved me and I loved him , but I also knew that I must leave him !
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