Example sentences of "[conj] i feel it [be] " in BNC.

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1 I do not favour either approach above the other but am using each where I feel it is most illuminating .
2 There are some complications with this treatment , so I feel it is important to use it for specific indications .
3 After the war opinion was more fluid and open on political grounds the tariff issue had been dead for years and I felt it was one which would pull the party together , including the Lloyd George malcontents .
4 He just could n't get a decent length to putt to fall , and I felt it was getting to him .
5 And I felt it was n't up to them , I did n't have enough experience I wanted to gain some more experience but it just fell away , lapse .
6 I liked it once ; it had the clean , easy authority of my father 's office , and I felt it was a place in which hard work could be done .
7 Mr MacAskill commented : ‘ It became clear the vote was a confidence issue in the party convener and I felt it was no longer appropriate that I should remain in his cabinet . ’
8 ‘ In the space of a couple of days local politicians have succeeded in dashing the hopes of thousands of anglers , and I feel it is just the thin end of the wedge .
9 My only complaint , and I feel it is an important gripe , is that his hand drawn maps interleaving trackbeds with suggested walking route could well have been made by any millipede unfortunate enough to bathe in an inkwell .
10 Neither of you knows personally the young man to whom you intend to entrust your , er … secret , and I feel it is my duty to caution you . ’
11 The move from tones to tone-units is a difficult one , and I feel it is advisable at this stage to use only slow , careful speech for exercises ( Tape Units 15 and 16 ) .
12 ‘ Oh Gabriel , ’ he said wildly , ‘ I 'm weak and foolish , and I feel it 's better to die than to live ! ’
13 Once you 've created the jobs for people it has given the economies an upturn and I feel it 's rather a shame that the erm the great problems of the of the Germans particularly have put that pressure for high interest rates through the er E R M , through those currencies and one , I think , good thing of Britain 's disaster last year , with with their position in the E R M , is that by lowering interest rates , if we only had a government who wanted to use that opportunity probably , we could train people for for work .
14 And I feel it 's getting really really thin .
15 They can , as you know , charge anything between nought and two hundred percent of the standard rate , and I feel it 's something that has to be sorted out locally .
16 ‘ I would hardly be joining a group if I felt it was about to be taken over .
17 Maybe I should n't have , but I felt it was n't good for a little one to be in the same house .
18 I 'm a single parent , and I blame myself for the way he is — but I feel it 's too late to get through to him now as talking or reasoning does n't work .
19 But I feel it 's a bit unfair that he should try to use a few Press photographs as an excuse ! ’
20 But I feel it 's justified . ’
21 ‘ I know but I feel it is becoming more and more appropriate to my response to everything and that it must come soon . ’
22 Symphony because I felt it was not the right tempo .
23 ‘ My first priority was to sign an organising scrum-half because I felt it was one of Widnes ’ weak-nesses , ’ revealed Larder .
24 " My husband just crumbled when I felt it was me that needed to crumble and somebody to help me .
25 ‘ I must pay tribute to them for both Dominic Quinn from Banbridge and John Bailie from Lurgan told me to take my time with the horse and bring him back only when I felt it was right to do so .
26 I nearly dropped it when I felt it being placed in my hand .
27 I can usually tolerate him , nodding tactfully when I feel it is appropriate , and being carefully non-committal when he makes any sweeping statements .
28 I would like to share with you a burden for prayer as I feel it is only right that all Christians should know about anything that would deny us total freedom .
29 Having previously discussed it with John , I declined to join them on their expedition to the temples at P. as I feel it is important to them both to have time alone with each other , especially as is at the moment a bit jealous of the twin at school here ( though of course he , chose to opt out of Gordonstoun ) and has anyway not spent as much time with John in recent years as no 2 ! has .
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