Example sentences of "[conj] i get up [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Anyway , that was the other thing , it was raining so hard , rattling at the windowpane in the dark … even so , I was convinced I 'd heard something , and at that hour there 's nobody else up except the baker , and he 's over here on this side of the Piazza , so I got up to take a look and saw this girl lying there in the rain .
2 His tone was dismissive , and I got up to go .
3 There was an embarrassing moment when I thought he was walking over to me to begin the programme and I got up to greet him .
4 Edward came back struggling with a load of planks , and I got up to help him .
5 I remember me getting up about three o'clock in the morning I heard the wind and I got up to look at the stack yard and start to put er bits of pit props and that into the nets and and and the wind was getting that strong the pit props was going flying over me head and I gave it up and made for and it 's certainly not a very high door at Greenspot but or a very big door but it took me all my time to get the door closed .
6 When I got up to leave , Princess Flavia said , ‘ Rudolf , you will be careful , wo n't you ?
7 It 's always dark in morning in winter — it used to be dark when I got up to go to the building site .
8 When I got up to go to bed , I saw Emily sitting quietly by the fire .
9 Mr Benn is a thoroughly charming man , and I was pleased to pay tribute to him when I got up to speak .
10 When I got up to walk , glass crunched under my feet .
11 Late that night , I though I heard the baby crying , but when I got up to look , he was quietly asleep in hid bed .
12 As I got up to take it from him , there was a sharp rapping at the front door .
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