Example sentences of "[conj] i will see to " in BNC.

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1 Or I will see to it that everyone in Cairo knows who is the sheikh who takes money from Copts . ’
2 I 've given my word to her mother that I will see to it that she does — she would n't have been allowed to come here on holiday otherwise , she would have been shut up in her mother 's apartment in Rome . ’
3 ‘ Then you go over to school , dear , ’ said Miss Fogerty , ‘ and I 'll see to the breakfast things . ’
4 ‘ Your concern does you credit , and I 'll see to it you have a few things wrapped up for the poor woman when you go to see her . ’
5 I do n't care how different he is underneath , ’ she cut through Davide 's protests , ‘ how much bluster it is , blusterers make poor husbands , never could make a woman happy for more than five minutes , and anyway , Caterina can do better and I 'll see to it that Rosalba does better too .
6 Keep the boys to the cloth warehouse after noon , and I 'll see to it that Joanna has things to do above-stairs .
7 By the wonderful smell I assume dinner is already under way , so just tell me what else you intend us to eat and I 'll see to it . ’
8 ‘ What a silly little trick — he certainly owes you an apology and I 'll see to it that he makes it . ’
9 Give me the address and I 'll see to it .
10 But they will always know the times when I shall be here in Shrewsbury , and I will see to it that whenever possible they shall have word of my moves between . ’
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