Example sentences of "[conj] i have my [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I watch the familiar shops and houses go by ; Mum 's old gift shop ( now a video shop ) ; the Arms , where I had my first pint ; Dad 's old garage , still doing business .
2 I came from a B-Cat prison where I had my own basin and toilet .
3 But it was in Colchester Park that I had my first lesson in conservation in microcosm , if you like .
4 But it was not until 1990 that I had my first spawning , and raised fry .
5 It was not until many years later when I was a principal inspector in 1965 that I had my first direct encounter with ICAO itself .
6 ‘ It was all thanks to a woman at the meeting today that I had my first inkling of what had really been going on . ’
7 It was only when I was in Holland that I had my first serious doubts that I might actually fail and have to marry Janice — in which case there was no way I would wish to claim custody . ’
8 He 'd expected it , he added , since he noticed that I had my own plate and cup at work , and bought tea for whoever was sitting with me .
9 Later , he would tell Radio One 's Janice Long : ‘ I believed that I had my own work to do .
10 It was on the morning when registration began that I had my fatal encounter .
11 He was picked to run in the London Schools at Crystal Palace but withdrew , so I had my first opportunity to run outside the immediate neighbourhood of school and borough , in a new environment on an international track .
12 My coat , like a bearskin , is well groomed but very thick and warm so I had my usual ‘ Irish siesta ’ in the afternoon .
13 I 'm working with ideas , still writing songs , so I have my personal input from that , plus I 'm always interested in the input and suggestions I get from the letters I receive from all over the world .
14 I was reading and no doubt seeing myself as Chopin , and I had my new book on birds beside me .
15 I was about fifteen ; I made my first record and I started playing in nightclubs and I had my first drink .
16 When we were seated facing each other again she gave me a ball of pink wool and a pair of knitting needles and I had my first lesson in how to knit properly without dropping stitches .
17 He was quite near , jostling among the spectators , and I had my first close look at the wild-eyed little goblin who had plagued me .
18 When I reached the pit bottom , there was approximately three feet of water at the pit bottom and I had my first experience of water in the mines .
19 Excepting for German reconnaissance aircraft which shadowed the convoy and a number of abortive U-boat attacks , we all arrived safely and I had my first run ashore in a foreign country .
20 Now we did not have to sit on the edge of the bed — a much wider bed — because there were two chairs , and I had my own shower and facilities for making coffee and snacks .
21 So he has control over what he wants to hear and I have my own mixer on stage .
22 The quest for social pain becomes a preoccupation with my own pain — after all , feminists usually start from their point of identification with other women , and I have my own troubles too , like I 'm also " intentionally homeless ' , a person who 's got out in order to get up .
23 I know total-total that if I had my own bike , the Wheels-and-brakes Boys would n't treat me like that .
24 If I had my own clubs I might , ’ Sir Bryan said gloomily .
25 If I had my own way , I shall tell him where to shove his petrol !
26 I was not even aware that , until I had my first bought suit , that flies had been invented !
27 I was never conscious that my attire was odd until I had my first normal boy 's gear .
28 That was all very well , but I had my own position to consider .
29 He could be quite maddening at times , but I had my own concerns and had to leave it at that .
30 A close friend , who said he was too frightened to reveal his name , has told the drinks trade newspaper , the Morning Advertiser : ‘ My life could be in danger if I say too much but I have my own idea what the murder is all about .
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