Example sentences of "[conj] i have [verb] my " in BNC.

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1 Years later , I was doing a scene where I had to murder my husband — it was a very dramatic scene and it was in the pit at the Royal Shakespeare Company , so it was just this tiny little theatre , with everybody sitting very close to you , and you can see everybody , and you can hear everything .
2 We crashed … and I 've been ill , or I 've lost my memory or something .
3 So to get back to what we say er yeah I like to fix a date and if people phone up and say well look I 've I 've got something else or I 've changed my mind I would rather have that than to have lots of paper work on my desk that just says may be or may be not .
4 That is er clean , except I 've wiped my hands on it .
5 Erm Well I 'm a trained teacher but er I did n't get much experience in teaching although I had obtained my degree in teaching in nineteen fifty-eight .
6 ‘ I 'm sure my husband wo n't mind me saying that it was not his wealth which made us all respect him — although I 've heard my husband say many a time that the wealth of Mr D'Arcy of Moss Side by Manchester was of an enormity to make the sultans and pashas of the East take note — but it was not for that , not at all , that we , all of us who knew of him … ’
7 Then you go back and you think : ‘ Well , although I 've done my best , maybe I have to find that little bit extra as a black person . ’
8 Although I have based my designs on the blue-white-yellow colour combinations , there is no reason why you should n't use your own combination if you prefer it .
9 Unfortunately , he 's in the position whereby , although I have got my work yet the problem I face is not just now , it 's come September , he is in a new school , he 's going to have new people , there 's new teachers , there 's new rules , there 's new policies .
10 ‘ Now I 've been told that I 've lost my place and I 'm very disappointed . ’
11 Or is it that I 've lost my sense of balance ?
12 ‘ It 's true that I 've given my personal backing to Kevin Keegan in our search for players , but we have to be realistic .
13 I do n't consider that I 've reached my prime .
14 No because everybody who has it is aware of the fact that you know they 've se known that I 've changed my number before and they know why .
15 ‘ It might interest you to learn that I 've changed my opinion on that matter , ’ he admitted drily .
16 I know my objectivity as a reviewer is going to be put sorely to the test , because so far I 've loved every one that I 've laid my hands on .
17 ‘ We were talking about my career , and how I 'm not prepared to have you insinuate that I 've slept my way to the top ! ’
18 For all those who scoffed at the idea of my mastering anything complex like Excel , I 'm pleased to say that I 've bought my first copy , and it 's nothing like as hard as I thought .
19 ‘ I think that I 've improved my game a lot , also .
20 And say that I 've busted my bra strap !
21 Now that I 've finished my English and do n't have a tutor I 'll be able to get more .
22 I point away to you you know that I 've finished my conversation .
23 Keep flashing me to say that I 've got my headlights on so I , when I , I give them flash back to say no I have n't .
24 After I 'd finished the poem I felt triumphant that I 'd broken my fear-silence .
25 Whether it was simply mere enjoyment or relief that I 'd survived my worst imaginings I do n't know — but it felt good .
26 When I regained consciousness it was to find that I 'd injured my spine and the doctor had ordered that I was to stay put , otherwise there was the possibility that I 'd end up a cripple .
27 Bainbridge has a lovely village green which was the setting for nothing more remarkable than the fact that I arrived there one day to walk over from Bainbridge to Cam Houses with Tony and Eddie , the landlord from my local pub , only to discover that I 'd left my walking boots back at home in Dentdale and had to do the entire walk in a pair of fur-lined cowboy boots , which earned me the nickname of Roy Rogers for the rest of the week .
28 She tried undressing me again and I said no , she 'd better go , that I 'd changed my mind .
29 That did the trick — ‘ Of course , ’ recalls the director , ‘ I did n't show him that I had cut my hand in the process . ’
30 If Robert came to you and said in his gentle , somehow caressingly placid voice that I had admitted or confessed to him in ‘ obvious distress ’ that I had pushed my penis up between the hired legs of more than one hundred and fifty tarts ( including three on one single day , or two on one single bed ) then you would probably believe him .
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