Example sentences of "[conj] i have [verb] [that] " in BNC.

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1 Sometimes , travelling back from work in the moonlight , I would allow myself to fall silent and to wonder what scenes this moon was shining on in the Western Desert , where I had learned that Leslie now was ; and whether he was in present danger .
2 The solution using differentiation is shown in Figure 2B , where I have shown that the same transfer price is spot on for both divisions .
3 It appears that there are many points at which er we can identify with one another or I have found that I can identify with the church and its social responsibility in this country because of our experience in my country .
4 Well the hoover wo n't , except I had to scrub that mini that erm that van , it was so filthy !
5 Neither Julia nor I had realised that some delegates would be registering on the Saturday morning for the first time — we had n't covered this .
6 ‘ And then , well , although I 'd felt that my outburst at the time of Simon 's death had wrecked our relationship , I found myself wondering if there was a chance of rekindling it .
7 As argued earlier , I do not consider it useful to debate the significance of these phenomena in terms of an essential theoretical designation of the new strata as either ‘ new working class ’ or ‘ new petty bourgeoisie ’ ( although I have argued that in terms of property relations alone they are working class ) .
8 Although I have said that Eliot had not greatly physically changed , he felt the deprivations of the war as acutely as anyone else .
9 Although I have to say that the implication in two eight three that Labour is flirting with workfare is misplaced , we 've said some harsh things about the Party this week , but there is no possibility that I know of of the Labour Party supporting any form of workfare whatsoever .
10 So did the Southernwood which was a feathery blue-green plant — that 's another plant I 've never come across since , although I have to confess that I have n't seen many gardens .
11 Although I have to confess that at present , during a time of recession , it is increasingly difficult to attract the backing of galleries for such shows and , indeed , to have the personal confidence to finance and promote them oneself , the solo exhibition remains an important event to which every serious artist occasionally ought to aspire .
12 And although I have to admit that this tale of a French prince who is turned into a frog by his wicked aunt and grows up to be a prince among frogs and a secret agent to boot , did n't grab me , it will surely keep the little ones enthralled .
13 Although I have stressed that one should not keep large amounts of money at home , it is of value to have at least a small amount of emergency money carefully hidden somewhere in the house , say , £20 .
14 You know , once when I was in Wembley like , another thing that I 've noticed that changed in our place at Wembley , like every time I used to go in there , all , well , when I used to be in there , like , all the lads would be in the office with her like talking to her , and laughing and smiling and and she used to be at the desk smiling and everything and now , when I walk in there now it 's only me like on a Saturday , and it 's only her like nobody else is in there with her , she 's al , she always she 's got , I think what 's happened is she got too deep into her work that she 's she just seems to take all her work now and that .
15 I 'd forgotten that I 'd said that , and was , in any case , already regretting the admission .
16 It was n't that I was being purposely unfriendly , it was just that I had decided that my best chance of survival lay in my being as unobtrusive as possible .
17 You will pick up from these last remarks that I had decided that my basic marine aquarium should be devoted to fish only , a good choice in many ways for a basic system , especially for those inexperienced in marine aquaria keeping .
18 On the first part of the question , events moved so rapidly in Dublin last night that by the time that I had heard that the Minister had been appointed , I gather that he had also resigned .
19 I am not saying that my trusting God was ‘ all up to me ’ , but that I had to see that all of me was involved in trusting God .
20 I explained that I had felt that it was the right thing to do ; it expressed what I felt .
21 I hoped that I had made that clear in an earlier answer .
22 The hon. Gentleman said that I had said that we would keep internment on the statute book .
23 I wondered why McIllvanney had not told me that Rickie and Robin-Anne Crowninshield were drug addicts , then I realised that McIllvanney would not have told me anything that might have risked my acceptance of the charter , but now that I had learned that the twins had such a severe drug problem I was even less keen to take on the job .
24 I totally accept the assurances that I have received that the derogation negotiated at Maastricht does not reduce our chances of having the central bank in the City of London .
25 The title of this article may suggest that I am claiming that all girls are marginalised in mathematics , but I hope that I have indicated that the situation we actually see is far more complicated than this .
26 The most encouraging feature of the Election however , from Your Majesty 's point of view , is the strong impression that I have formed that Your Majesty 's subjects do not wish to allow themselves to be divided into warring classes or tribes filled with hereditary animosity against each other .
27 I am afraid that I have to confess that we allow a substantial number of people to remain simply because we have not had the staff to pursue their claims to remain through the various hoops available to them .
28 ‘ It did n't distress or alarm me in any way , certainly not as much as many other things that I have seen that have earned certificates ’ .
29 I regret that I have to conclude that the omens for retaining national control of vital areas do not look good .
30 IT is with great sadness that I have to report that died on .
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