Example sentences of "[conj] i [verb] you the " in BNC.

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1 After drawing a blank on Rhodes , I had to write something that justified my travelling expenses , so I made you the villain of the piece .
2 And I got you the roses . ’
3 Good night , miss , and I wish you the compliments of the season , I 'm sure ! ’
4 His name was Edward Greenwood , and as they all sat down , he said , ‘ I 've heard all about you from Helen and I wish you the best of luck .
5 Check all the spellings , and I told you the horror story about the gentleman whose name was wrongly spelt .
6 ‘ No , my lord , ’ ( such courtesy again , and such artful courtesy too , as we shall see ! ) ‘ hear me ; I give you the field , and I give you the cave that is in it ; in the presence of the sons of my people I give it to you ; bury your dead . ’
7 ‘ The Medjay captain asked me that too , and I give you the same answer : how would an escaped convict find his way into the compound ?
8 you can write down these words , that would then be given you a clue things that you could be saying to your customers , where , right , if you start thinking about the job that you 're doing and I give you the word where , right you think of the number of times you can use the word where , with a customer , right
9 Absolutely they 're reading it with you so they 're with you so you 're you 're holding their interest even though you 're not actually saying anything , yeah , and again you may you may have noticed well another thing is once you 've once you 're written put the pen down and the easiest thing in the world to have a but if you want to make a point and you probably noticed once I once I put the red lines around the red boxes round there and I gave you the first demonstration of the Aldershot method I stood here okay .
10 ‘ Tell me , ’ he complained , ‘ what would be your reaction if I told you the moon just fell out of the sky ? ’
11 As I believe that you both did , when you were my age — if you can remember so far back — but I knew you would prevent me from doing so if I told you the truth . ’
12 If I show you the general norms it makes a lot more sense .
13 ‘ You would n't come out here if I sent you the money for the air ticket , would you ? ’
14 ‘ What if I tell you the whole truth ?
15 So the gradient gives you a mea If I gave you the gradient , if I said the gradient is one , what would the angle be ?
16 What would you do if I gave you the jade ?
17 " And if I give you the job , " Fairfax went on , " how soon will you begin ? "
18 But er no , we were talking and she said if I give you the money you wo n't go and spend it on the
19 People say they become imperceptive ; they spend hours looking for the car keys that were on the table in front of them all the time ; they become preoccupied and inattentive to what other people are saying to them ( ‘ But I told you the Smiths were coming over yesterday .
20 ‘ Wild geese , mon vieux , is what you presume me to chase , ’ said the gentleman to Bramble , ‘ but I assure you the stable door is bolted . ’
21 I was utterly baffled , but I gave you the benefit of every doubt , which by this time added up to a couple of thousand .
22 It wo n't obstruct no light though because I told you the sun is more er , without the back it joins down the car
23 company insurance , right , now before I ask you the company that we 're hiring the mini bus off , I 'd like a , er a copy of the
24 ‘ But , until we do , you can make yourself useful by binding up this hole in my arm before I give you the pleasure of bleeding to death . ’
25 But before I give you the assignment sheet , erm , how are you getting on ?
26 When I tell you the reason I 'm going you 'll wish you 'd let me go .
27 And then when I gave you the minimum premium er it was like right okay well that 's , that 's the easy way out is n't it , twenty quid a month , okay I might do something for twenty quid because I was n't committed and that 's what exploration of needs is all about and it 's , it 's so easy for me to sit and say yeah that 's what you need to do but putting myself in your shoes , you know , a few years ago
28 you see We was working together and you know a a few benches from each other and of course as I told you the the lads worked with a man .
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