Example sentences of "[conj] it might [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 Claims to leadership of national antislavery opinion also involved hopes of influencing British government policy where it might make a difference — for example , in negotiations over the continuing problem of slave trade suppression and on particular issues such as American fugitive slaves in British territories or terms for British recognition of the independence of Texas .
2 Or it might take a weekend depending .
3 There will be a lot of cloud again over many parts of England and Wales , although it might become a little brighter at times .
4 When we were shown into the chargé 's office , I studiously avoided shaking hands or having any eye contact , determined to alert him to the fact that I understood and respected their religious customs , in the hope that it might make a difference .
5 But that would be a kind of failure , having summoned up the courage to go this far , to take this step ; and though he had warned her that it might hurt a little , she trusted him : he was so gentle , so mature .
6 I therefore offered the book in the hope that it might embody a healing and unitize perspective on this most exciting and disturbing movement of our times .
7 The dark pigmentation of the skin gives further protection in hot climates , reducing the risk of problems with eyes and udder , and there is a theory that it might have a touch of Bos indicus blood in it .
8 To the extent that such approaches may suggest the desirability of changing over to a counter-force nuclear policy , they escape from the moral frying-pan of counter-city targeting into the strategic fire of counter-force , which has the twin disadvantages that it might put a premium on first strike and that it would in any case result in frightful civilian losses .
9 There can be no sense in the DTI 's refusal to publish the House of Fraser report on the grounds that it might prejudice a Serious Fraud Office inquiry when it took the opposite course over Blue Arrow .
10 The Prime Minister 's decision to take legal action was given strong support by other Socialists , but criticized by some leading politicians of the centre-right , who argued that it might constitute a restriction of freedom of speech .
11 Alcatel Alsthom SA were sharply lower in active trading on the Paris Bourse yesterday on talk that it might buy a stake in chipmaker SGS-Thomson Microelectronics NV and increase its stake in nuclear power plant builder Framatome SA , Reuter reports .
12 There was a little parapet going round the arcade and it suddenly occurred to Owen that it might provide a vantage-point from which he could more pleasantly monitor proceedings .
13 The persons solicited in this way reacted with annoyance , perhaps indicating that they supposed that they were being solicited for the purposes of prostitution ( the magistrates having found as a fact that ‘ it would be impossible for anyone so touted or solicited without enquiry to appreciate the purpose of the solicitation , and that a solicitation for this purpose in the circumstances of time and place was such an affront that it might provoke a breach of the peace . ’ )
14 I remember Lorne saying something to the effect that it might look a bit bulky but , with their excellent petrol , in the long run it was neater than bringing hundreds of spare flashlight batteries along .
15 Mr John McDonnell , QC , for the company , had urged Mr Justice Hoffman to exercise the court 's power to the full , saying that it might take a year for the case to be heard by the House of Lords .
16 It seems that it might take a great deal of commitment and determination to drag yourself out in the pouring rain or snow , until you think about how much you miss your husband when you can not even touch him for nearly two weeks .
17 The conference was assured that truly ‘ intelligent ’ machines would come , It was conceded that it might take a few hundred years .
18 He said they were fine , but that it might take a few weeks for the lenses to settle in my eyes .
19 By late March only seven of a reported 571 oil well fires had been capped and it was estimated that it might take a further three years to extinguish all the fires .
20 It has taken me twelve years to be as sure as I am now , and it might take a few more to be absolutely sure .
21 This system suited Ferdinand in several ways : it was relatively cheap : it gave defence against small border raids and a trip-wire to provide early warning against major invasions ; it also broke the power of the remaining Croatian noble houses , which had survived the massacre of Krbavsko Polje ; and it might provide a corps of Kaisertreu troops in case of trouble from rebellious Hungarian magnates .
22 If a town has 10,000 residents over twenty-one , of whom exactly half are male and half female , a random sample of one tenth of them is unlikely to produce exactly half men and half women , and it might produce a very biased sample of , say , 650 women and 350 men .
23 But if it might stop a massacre … ’
24 Hardly a barrel of laughs but it might raise a few smiles .
25 But it might put a cat among the pigeons . ’
26 But it might take a few years .
27 because it might mislead a purchaser
28 It is a diver 's paradise , and while it might cost a lot of pennies to get there , good value for money can be waiting — if you know what to watch out for .
29 While it might look a bit strange , even antiquated , to anyone who has only ever thought of guitar tuners as pocket sized oblong boxes with LEDs or a needle and a retail price of around forty quid , the Peterson 's ability to accurately tune any musical instrument is known throughout the music industry .
30 But they do n't care that the only honest answer to the West Lothian Question — which is to deny the right of Scots MPs to share in legislating for England and Wales on those subjects which in Scotland have been devolved to the Scottish parliament — would render any British government unstable , since it might possess a majority on some issues but not on others .
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