Example sentences of "[conj] it had come to " in BNC.

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1 Although it had to come to the before it was accepted .
2 The regime was n't defeated although it had come to a dead end and the liberation movement did not conquer the situation although they made government impossible .
3 When she arrived at the theatre that night she saw a note pinned up at the stage door stating that it had come to the management 's notice that a Girl had been flying , which was forbidden !
4 In 1798 the threat of military invasion from Napoleonic France had only just ebbed when the Bishop of Durham announced to a startled House of Lords that it had come to his attention that the only reason the enemy forces had backed away from military invasion was because they had hit on a more sinister method of bringing Britannia to heel .
5 While exploiting the conquered territories France constantly proclaimed in public that it had come to Indochina on a " mission civilisatrice " to help the backward nation into the light of the twentieth century .
6 What had she got to lose , she seemed to be saying , now that it had come to this ?
7 That had stopped the Ministry ‘ dead in its tracks ’ and it had come to the conclusion that if it denied premium to the rearer of suckled calves it would eventually be challenged by a hill farmer before the European Court .
8 De Lattre , it seems , had himself in mind as a Supreme Allied Commander for Southeast Asia and his proposals for a joint intelligence operation together with a strategic reserve of six or eight divisions would , if it had come to anything , have meant not only an American but a British commitment to French fortunes in Indo-China .
9 But it had come to nothing , and in the process he had recognised the truth behind his motives .
10 He wrote Lettuce and had put the show on in Cambridge before it had come to London .
11 What is so odd , though , is that Lewis was tempted to argue the faith , to analyse and defend it in a manner at once so roughshod and so cerebral when it had come to him by quite other means .
12 The talk with Roberts , when it had come to it , had been quite short , and quite constrained .
13 And she typed the dream exactly as it had come to her .
14 Nevertheless , even here the shift is noticeably away from a hierarchically controlled model of ‘ Catholic Action ’ , as it had come to be called , to a far more diversified one .
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