Example sentences of "[conj] it may [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Alternatively , the infection may be confined to the inside of the mouth , where it may not produce any symptoms , or may cause ulceration which is difficult to distinguish from ‘ aphthous ’ ulcers ( the small mouth ulcers that are so common and so difficult to treat ) .
2 The Mail had a regular page for women which would not be out of place in an English daily , where it may well have originated :
3 The organization hiring the programmer or consultant may want to own the copyright so that it can exploit the resultant program itself , or it may simply want to prevent its competitors from obtaining a copy of it .
4 It can refer to the growth of influence of the natural and social sciences as bodies of knowledge which underpin practice in fields such as medicine , pharmacy , agriculture , engineering , architecture or social work ; it can refer to the increased importance of mathematics or computing in some fields ; it can refer to the attempt to develop models or theories of practice itself , for example in the fields of management , nursing or teaching , or it may simply reflect the enlargement of the off-the-job element in professional education .
5 The lack of reversal when splitting data by accident estimates may have been caused by a number of films with very little peripheral information in them , or it may simply have been an effect of the high correlation between risk and accident estimates .
6 Or it may simply have been that he was hiding : that his confused sexuality could at any time have brought him down .
7 Not now , not next year but in the next twenty years so there are a problem with schools , there are problems , I think , with changing leisure habits er people , the way that people take their leisure has changed over the last twenty years and not always have clubs , organizations and sailing schools taken account of that in , in their programme , especially with youngsters and I have to say I also believe there is apathy in some clubs and other organizations , not every club has an active youth sailing scheme and I believe that any club that does n't either must be extremely popular because of its er prices of beer or , or some other reason or it may not exist perhaps in twenty years ' time , so I think it 's an ext extremely important topic brought about by the maybe , without being melodramatic , some of the stuff that we 're reading in the papers about youngsters these days but looking at it from a purely selfish sailing point of view if we 're to get more youngsters into the sport even if we 're to hold our ground we 've got to make a big effort over , over this year and , and it 's important make sure that it runs on for future years .
8 In summary , Collins have pulled out of participation in the National Corpus Project and Longman have given a commitment to participate in the National Corpus Project , which leaves us having submitted a proposal a revised proposal to the D T I , erm fully documenting Longman 's contribution , erm but leaving O U P's role and financial contribution to the project open in anticipation that there is likely to be some rearrangements amongst the industrial partners , that is there may be a reallocation of funding between Longman and O U P and maybe the addition of new partners erm or it may just stay as it is erm .
9 On the academic site , detailed tephrachronology makes it possible to study patterns in the behaviour of volcanoes — the magma erupted from one volcano may become steadily more acid , or it may show cyclical changes , or it may even vary consistently during each eruption , starting off fairly basic and ending up at the close of the eruption much more acid .
10 Although it may well cover something of an earlier date .
11 A better song at the learning stage does not , for instance , allow it to defend a territory or court females more effectively — although it may well have such a consequence later , after the song has been learnt ( p. 127 ) .
12 On balance , the evidence does not support this tactical scenario , although it may well have occurred to de Gaulle .
13 Her family is described as " infirm " , and this may explain why even with two of her daughters grown women in their twenties the family was able to earn little , although it may also reflect the fact that earning opportunities for women were so poor that even able-bodied spinsters could not wholly maintain themselves .
14 The mass media too are concerned essentially with communicating , usually giving information although it may also involve exchange in the form of readers ' letters to a newspaper or phone-in programmes on radio .
15 If one group does win the competition , that group remains cohesive , releasing tension through playful activities , and remains highly cooperative ( although it may also become complacent ) .
16 Although it may not appear especially hygienic to keep the litter tray in the kitchen , this is probably the best place because the floor surface here tends to be impermeable .
17 First , although it may not take very long for a trained and experienced therapist to analyse a transcript using LARSP , the procedure itself is relatively technical and is likely to take some time to learn from scratch ( Connolly 1979 ) .
18 Although it may not have been related , within a month he had crashed on a bad weather approach , killing himself and his friend .
19 Although it may not seem much to people who are used to talking in millions , it will be a substantial risk for the individuals involved .
20 Although it may not seem much in terms of substance , part two of the treaty which deals with European citizenship raises the intriguing idea that in the one member state in which there is not a written constitution we now gain access to the treaty additions and to the written constitution which already exists in the Community .
21 In the UK the Bank of England works in very close liaison with the Treasury , and although it may privately disagree with Treasury policy it is always obliged to carry it out .
22 This will rarely be the case with media reporting , although it may sometimes poison the motives of informants .
23 Furthermore , although it may sincerely believe it is a new party , the very fact that it has often changed its mind should debar it from being taken seriously .
24 If it is your first work of fiction , you should also look at it as part of your groundwork which although it may never see the light of publication , is of great benefit to you as a writer .
25 I am now very much afraid that it may not matter what he said on 10 March .
26 God grant that it may not startle only to be read and pondered by thoughtful brains as well as by feeling hearts …
27 ‘ Send away the ark of the God of Israel , ’ the people cry , ‘ and let it return to its own place , that it may not slay us and our people ’ ( 5.11 ) .
28 One reason is that it may not leave sufficient motivation for the individuals to set about increasing the value of the company .
29 Second , there is a different sense in which private individuals may not want to conserve soil or have a small family other than the most obvious that it may not benefit them .
30 Even in contemporary Western democracies , a government so powerfully entrenched that it may not feel troubled by the agitation of its enemies , detractors or of its powerless minorities , may court the danger of violent reaction .
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