Example sentences of "[conj] it can [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 Some of the greatest sufferers in this respect are such prized works as Jane Austen 's , where it can make a surprising difference to the price .
2 It can be heady stuff , it can be a pleasant experience , or it can leave a nasty taste in the mouth and cost a great deal .
3 Or it can mean a theory which is ‘ destabilising ’ — the word in an adjectival relationship to ‘ theory ’ .
4 Folly can mean a useless building or it can mean a clump of trees on a hill .
5 Or it can negotiate a new deal with the Justice Department — with no guarantee that this will be any more acceptable to Judge Holland .
6 It can either refuse to comment on the possibility of a move until some concrete decisions have been taken as to where the company will relocate to and when the move will occur or it can adopt a more open style and keep the staff or union representatives in the picture about developments taking place within the relocation programme .
7 Although it can take a panoply of four-dimensional shapes , Dr Tipler prefers it to be a single point ; in the manner of the 20th-century Catholic evolutionist and mystic , Teilhard de Chardin , he calls it the omega point .
8 The flight action is superb although it can take a long time to get to grips with all the features of the program .
9 The health authority , one of the 30 most efficient in the country , is consulting on third-wave trust status because it believes that it can give a better service to patients and local people on that basis .
10 It 's only when all the minerals have been ‘ mopped up ’ by the soap that it can form a lather .
11 quite away beyond just trading standards issues to cover for example , things like fund control , matters are concerned with the district council and er environmental issues erm and I am able to anxious to get some views from authorities including the County Council so that it can form a debate and discussion with central government about possible wa , was forward .
12 Besides this direct funding of research , the Council believes that it can make a more general contribution to the development of science and technology policy .
13 The fundamental rationale underlying the law of confidence is that it can prevent a person divulging information which has been given to him in confidence , on an express or implicit understanding that the information should not be disclosed to others or otherwise used by the recipient of the information .
14 And women can become so wrapped up , so engrossed in the mystery of the physical process taking place inside them , that it can intensify a man 's feeling of rejection .
15 Adobe Systems Inc has licensed its PostScript software to Sony Corp so that it can offer a new software Raster Image Processor based on the Configurable PostScript Interpreter to be integrated into its existing News Unix workstations that drive output devices and are targeted for the Japanese market .
16 I am by no means gloomy about the prospects for British Coal , but its future success and security depend on its becoming more competitive and productive so that it can secure a large part of the British energy market in years ahead .
17 It is , however , quite easy to pass the point at which an organisation of this sort feels that it can afford a central staff and from that point onwards the central staff becomes essential and the field staff end by servicing its needs and growth .
18 Its only real weapon over the government is that it can propose a vote of censure .
19 Your psychological view of marriage is that it can destroy a relationship . ’
20 The wisdom is that it can kill a career .
21 The poison they produce from their skin is so lethal that it can paralyse a bird or a monkey immediately .
22 Indeed it is this alienation that is the welling source of their pride and self-esteem but in order that it can thrive a psychic and political boundary has to be drawn around it .
23 When the losses are recognized for what they are then the healing of the pain can begin , but so often the loss is so deeply buried in people 's minds that it can take a long while for it to come to the surface again .
24 The motherboard has a tell-tale row of extra solder holes surrounding the CPU , signifying that it can take a socket for the Pentium OverDrive processor .
25 This rationalization for state intervention on efficiency grounds presupposes that government can determine the socially desirable rate of investment and innovation , and that it can take a dispassionate , long-term view of these investment possibilities , rather than make short-run responses to the demands of political interests . [ … ]
26 It is a characteristic of a task requiring vigilance that it can span a long time , minutes or hours or even a whole work-shift .
27 Alter 10 generations , the phrase chosen for " breeding " was : MDLDMNLS ITJISWHRZREZ MECS P Alter 20 generations it was : MELDINLS IT ISWPRKE Z WECSEL By now , the eye of faith fancies that it can see a resemblance to the target phrase .
28 I now suggest that the new Government should immediately sell the building for the same price so that it can become a seat of learning for talented Scottish children , such as it then produced of every walk of life .
29 When a woman looks in the mirror , she sees the totality of her being : because of the social brainwashing to which she has been subjected , the mirror seems to tell her more than it can tell a man .
30 Now the RSPCA is looking for a new site locally so it can build a much larger shelter :
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