Example sentences of "[conj] it were not so " in BNC.

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1 Labour 's prescription for the British economy would be risible , if it were not so dangerous .
2 Indeed , on average , each pair of cod produces only two offspring of opposite sexes that survive to breed in the course of their lives , for if it were not so , the population of cod would grow and grow , which it clearly does not .
3 It is essential that a transmitter can be inactivated as soon as it has conveyed its message ; if it were not so , the system would be clogged or would receive needless repetitions of the same message .
4 When one man with a tiny congregation has the cure of 13,000 souls , it is a joke , or it would be if it were not so sad .
5 The future of a novel in the process of composition is always vague , provisional , unpredictable — if it were not so , the labour of writing it would be too tedious to bear .
6 If it were not so false in the first place , I would agree with you .
7 If it were not so , she would never have allowed it to succeed . ’
8 If it were not so we should go mad at once .
9 It would be absurd if it were not so unlikely .
10 Mr. Ryan said that the situation regarding salaries in AIB in Britain would be a joke if it were not so tragic .
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