Example sentences of "[conj] it will [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 That technological effort should be genuinely sought by the business and focused where it will make a significant impact .
2 The essential ingredients of gaining control of your time are knowing what is important and what is less so , ruthlessly putting your precious time and energy where it will produce the highest return and refusing to be swamped with other people 's inefficiency .
3 A copy of the 1991 Census datasets will be deposited at the ESRC Data Archive ( where it will join the data from previous Censuses ) when the data is complete and it appears that all corrections have been made .
4 The three-lane motorway will run close to the existing line of the A74 between the Annan to Eaglesfield Road ( B722 ) in the north and Kirkpatrick Fleming in the south where it will join the section of motorway recently completed between Kirkpatrick Fleming and Gretna .
5 We should see the secondhand market as an opportunity , not a threat , or it will become a threat . ’
6 Garlic , for example , must only be used in tiny amounts or it will blister the skin .
7 Although it will attract the lion 's share of attention , the exhibition is , in fact , only the last link in a chain of new developments in Magritte studies , for a fresh monograph and the first of five projected volumes of a catalogue raisonné are being published this month .
8 Communication in this sense is not a topic of discussion in this book , although it will form an element of your course in the Organisation in its Environment unit .
9 A. The new generation of high tech fluorescent tubes have a high proportion of actinic inbuilt , thereby making a separate actinic tube largely redundant although it will do no harm .
10 The president now plans to hold a nationwide opinion poll on who should rule the country , although it will have no legal validity .
11 In these instances our reaction to this great loss is likely to be much stronger , although it will have the same components of grief as any other unexpected loss .
12 This book is not a recapitulation of events before 1977 , although it will use the findings and experiences of the CDP as a baseline .
13 Even in these cases the court has a discretion to order jury trial , although it will apply a presumption in favour of trial by judge alone if satisfied that otherwise the trial would be so complicated , costly and lengthy that the administration of justice would be likely to suffer .
14 Although it will take a while to complete a fully working graphics adventure game , the creation is very enjoyable and , who knows , you may even end up with a game that can be sold through the shareware concept .
15 During this time , any normal printing operation is possible , although it will suspend the charging process .
16 Those constraints have gone now , and yet Haines says for various reasons we should not expect to see future AS/400s challenging the top-end mainframe market , although it will become a stronger challenger around the low-end and middle of Enterprise System 's territory .
17 Now the difficult the last one is a hard one in the sense that it 'll ask the person to write a paragraph , several sentences .
18 One of the main shareholders of the Oxfordshire brewery Morland has announced that it 'll reject a hostile takeover bid for the company .
19 The students are hoping to arrange their own type of wine run , distributing New Release around Gloucestershire , in the hope that it 'll prove every bit as popular as it 's French rival .
20 According to a report In ComputerWorld IBM is now saying that it 'll have a single micro-kernel-based operating system for OS/2 and AIX within two years , allowing users to run Unix or OS/2 applications in either environment .
21 But having written TCP/IP and NFS functionality into NT , it is adamant that it 'll develop a Windows application programming interface for SVR4 with or without USL 's help .
22 Pablo Riveroll of Baring Securities in Mexico City says the investment could be hugely profitable for Televisa in the long term , but notes that it will bring the firm no net profit until 1996 .
23 The playes at United have such quality that it will bring the out the best in me .
24 While superficially this sounds sensible enough , other countries including the UK are concerned that it will reinforce the suspicion across the Atlantic and in Asia that the EC 's main preoccupation is to build a fortress Europe from which all others are excluded .
25 The company is claiming that it will offer a switching fabric bandwidth of 1.6Gbps ( equivalent to a backplane of 3.2Gbps ) , have a modular 16-slot chassis , redundant power supplies , hot-swappable interfaces , offer auto-configuration , and network management and remote diagnostics features .
26 Digital Equipment Corp has announced that it will offer a new hub backplane , code-named One Hub , in early 1993 , plugging the gap at the high end of the DEChub 90 range and for the first time offering Ethernet , Token Ring , and the Fibre Distributed Data Interface , FDDI , at first , and Asynchronous Transfer Mode high-speed networking technology , when it becomes available , in one product .
27 The Countryside Commission claims that it will ruin the view from the mountain , but the developers argue that it should be looked on with pride as a source of non-polluting energy .
28 The dam project has been criticized by conservationists , who claim that it will ruin the area 's rice production , devastate fish stocks and may introduce dangerous diseases such as schistosomiasis or bilharzia ( as yet unknown in Thailand ) .
29 I hope that it will reach a satisfactory conclusion and remove the substantial problem that it has laid over the lives of so many former customers of that bank .
30 At the time of signing , ratifying or acceding to this Protocol a State may declare that it will process the Letters rogatory to which this article applies only if they identify the relationship between the evidence or information requested and the pending proceeding .
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