Example sentences of "[conj] it be [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 — far lower than in Germany , where it is 26 per cent. , the United States where it is 33 per cent. , and Japan where it is more than 60 per cent .
2 Where it was twice or three times in a year .
3 It 's not really clear whether this is a symbiotic relationship of some kind , or it 's just that the Gobies find the corals a convenient place to sit .
4 Obviously Harley is news here , although it 's mainly because of his caddie 's death .
5 It 's increasingly difficult for the voluntary sector to make provision of this kind , to offer those opportunities without proper partnership with the state , so I do n't actually accept if you 're posing an alternative and saying that it 's either or , I do n't think that 's correct .
6 She also harbours acting ambitions , although she admits that it 's probably because she has got used to ‘ getting attention ’ .
7 I think I 'd start off by saying that it 's probably and likely to f that you could find in the Greater York area , between six and ten miles from the city centre , erm one location which met every one of the twelve criteria , one hundred percent .
8 It 's not like that it 's just that I think it 'll help you to write it down and to think about it and to talk , talk to Kelly about it .
9 But at the moments you wish you were shot of the whole thing you know perfectly well that it 's precisely because you could n't endure to be without it , now you know about it , that you 've got to go through all this .
10 But you 've got to remember that it 's now that the whole question of Walter Machin has come up again because of the new interest in him , and the republishing of the books and so on .
11 I suppose that it 's only when you have the financial means that you get the treatment everyone deserves .
12 I dare say , though , knowing you as I do , that it 's only because you 've thought up some other diabolical vengeance to inflict on me . ’
13 It 's worth noting , colleagues , that it 's only because of the determination of our members to ensure that their already meagre standard of living and basic rates are not further eroded that even this small achievement has been possible .
14 And I mean it was er I accept that it 's hardly that that Russia perhaps was intervening in the interests of er of of erm of of of of er Russian policy in that area .
15 ‘ They do say that it 's there that thy Robemaker has his Workshops .
16 I 'm sure that it 's there that the police will be best advised to make their inquiries .
17 You do n't know that it 's there but I do .
18 It , it 's an estimate so that it 's there if anybody wants to say .
19 ‘ In fact , I think it 's gone to the other extreme in that it 's more and more difficult for companies in that classification to raise any equity whatsoever .
20 Having said that , it is entirely possible that one is being hopelessly naïve and that it is simply that the AIDS test has replaced the screen test as the sine qua non for any ambitious ingénue .
21 It would be wrong to conclude that it is simply because women live longer than men .
22 In fact , Stevens ( 1991 ) argues that it is just because devaluation does not work as an instrument of economic policy that the argument for a single currency is made more powerful .
23 You may believe that it is just because I am an extremely popular person .
24 the court is of the opinion that it is just and equitable that the company should be wound up .
25 the court is of the opinion that it is just and equitable that the company should be wound up .
26 ( 4 ) An order under this section in respect of any costs may only be made if — ( a ) an order for costs would be made in the proceedings apart from this Act ; ( b ) as respects the costs incurred in a court of first instance , those proceedings were instituted by the assisted party and the court is satisfied that the unassisted party will suffer severe financial hardship unless the order is made ; and ( c ) in any case , the court is satisfied that it is just and equitable in all the circumstances of the case that provision for the costs should be made out of public funds .
27 An order may only be made against the legal aid fund if : ( a ) an order for costs would be made in any event ; ( b ) the proceedings were instituted by the assisted party and the unassisted party would suffer severe financial hardship unless an order were made ; and ( c ) in any case the court is satisfied that it is just and equitable for the costs to be paid out of public funds ( Legal Aid Act 1988 , s18(4) ) .
28 Equally straitened is Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corp , which reported plunging profits that were still better than forecast : it is cutting its bonus for executives by 20% in the year to March 31 1994 , Reuter reports from Tokyo , adding that it is also considering reducing bonuses for senior managers as well as stopping increases of wages of those above section manager ; the company sees intense competition .
29 What the movies taught Welford Beaton was ‘ we are not interested in average things , whether animate or inanimate — we are interested in anything in the degree that it is above or below the average ’ .
30 We then sequenced parasite DNA from nine Gambian isolates ( Fig. 2 , legend ) : in each , the ls6 epitope was identical to the published sequence , indicating that it is largely or completely conserved in this population .
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