Example sentences of "[conj] it [modal v] make [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I had no idea what having a baby would mean , only that it would make escape from Roundhay impossible .
2 That it would make life a lot happier for Manningham if he closed the deal at the price offered .
3 It was just that it would make life a little easier .
4 It has been argued that it would make sense for whoever runs the train services to also take responsibility for the track .
5 There seemed to be the prospect of such a conference in the late summer and autumn and the chance that it might make progress .
6 Its alarming feature to the orthodox was that it might make Christianity seem simply one faith among others , rather than simply truth .
7 This situation is known as one of negative ‘ net-effective cost ’ ( NEC ) , and the CEGB should undertake any investment promising NEC on the grounds that it will make electricity prices cheaper than if it were to do nothing .
8 The proponents of this approach to policy claim that it will encourage a more stable background in which the private sector can make its own investment and spending plans with greater certainty about future government policy ; that it will prevent abrupt and damaging shifts of policy ; and that it will make government manipulation of monetary policy for electoral purposes more difficult .
9 He concluded : ‘ It seems to me that the only purpose the FBI has in proposing such a law would be so that it can make telephone taps without the cooperation of the telephone company … in other words , what they are asking for is the ability to make warrant-less taps . ’
10 Quite apart from the quality aspect , this also means that it can make use of the enormous range of fonts that are available for LaserJet printers .
11 They were people who thought It was important — and that it could make money .
12 I love shops anyway , so it would make sense to stock products that do n't damage the environment . ’
13 More gardens to the left , so it would make sense to suppose that you 'd come in from the right , leaving your car in the road at the end of the row .
14 Jesus did it ( Luke 4 : 28–30 ) so it must make sense !
15 Meyrick of that ilk , of Western Province , is apparently a fast bowler like his New Zealand and ( sort of ) England colleagues , so it will make life easy for the commentary team : ‘ It 's Pringle to take the new ball , ’ will apply in almost half the matches played .
16 Can I say Chairman on on this report of the policy of the old policy and resources committee on the internal management of local authorities that was a very important issue because it 's I all issues are important but in particular the the seal the report is to inform the council of comments which the policy and resources committee has agreed to make the association of county councils on the recommendation of the joint working party on the internal management of local authority Now I 'm sure you , you 've waded through the report at least some of the during the last er week or so that er that you 've had it well I would advise you to turn to page thirty and thirty one because there 's lot eas and it 'll make life easier for you , if you do that and there on the bottom half of page thirty you will see the decisions of the policy and resources committee .
17 So in point of fact idioms is you 'll find that they always fit in either this slot or in this slot , but you wo n't find an idiom which has to form such that if you remove the subject and verb from a sentence you can stick the idiom in there and it will make sense .
18 Hitler did n't like Jews and it could make trouble for me .
19 In practice if you are back checking files and such like , if you find something that is current word which should comply and you find something that has n't been appropriately signed or whatever , if it 's easy to get it done yes do it yes , if it 's not easy to get it done erm , it may be , you 've got to use your judgement because I do n't want you to go into a lot of work , but it may make sense to make a final note we are aware that this was n't done correctly this person has been reminded , or
20 For example , " walked " might be substituted in 1. , but it would make nonsense in the other three contexts .
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