Example sentences of "[conj] it [modal v] [verb] me " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 'd share your gin , ’ the Bishop 's wife said , ‘ except that it would make me further inclined to cry . ’
2 He once claimed to me that he was able to open a beer bottle with his eye and that it would cost me $29 for the privilege of seeing the trick .
3 No need to stiffen up like that — you must see that it would affect me professionally . ’
4 ‘ The way I left was very , very frustrating and a lot of my friends concluded that it would finish me forever in management .
5 ‘ The way I left wasvery , very frustrating and a lot of my friends concluded that it would finish me forever in management .
6 It is tempting to delve further into the subject ; but I am afraid that it would take me far outside my main theme , and so , reluctantly , we must leave matters there .
7 I wondered if he believed that it would kill me .
8 ‘ Creeping up to 40 was n't the main reason I wanted a third child , ’ says Saskia , ‘ but I was certainly aware that it would keep me back in the young-mum sphere along with the 25-year-olds . ’
9 It did n't occur to you that we go away from here to be private , that our holidays are our own affair , that it might humiliate me to have Edwin Lorrimer know that I ca n't afford to take you to Venice , even on a ten-day package tour .
10 How ironic that it should take me so long to know how I feel about a man and then in that same moment realise that he really is the bastard I first took him for !
11 I 'm frightened now that it will unsettle me , bring back too many memories .
12 ‘ I keep telling myself that it will stand me in good stead when I 'm about 40 and doing my first Isolde ! ’
13 ‘ I feel sure you 'll understand that it will give me great satisfaction to entertain your niece 's young cousin .
14 However , I soon discovered that it could help me in many other ways , for example to take all the hard work out of doing my accounts , producing invoices and keeping track of stock .
15 I do n't like it and it 'll annoy me now we 're working together . ’
16 ‘ Sure and it 'll keep me out of mischief for a while .
17 ‘ He was beastly to me on Saturday night , and it would give me great pleasure to tell him I was right all along .
18 Item five erm I 'm also pleased to say that er Chris was the only person nominated to be Honorary Treasurer and it would give me great pleasure er to propose that he be elected Honorary Treasurer and may I have a seconder for that proposal please .
19 I was hungry , but room service was extortionately expensive and it would do me no harm to fast for one night .
20 If we were sitting in a room and someone came in talking or making a noise , Dawn would panic and it would take me a few minutes to calm her down .
21 Every day , after school , I would release the bird and it would follow me home .
22 But Miss Philimore seems to think she 's all right so long as she 's watched , and it would save me having to look for someone else . ’
23 Ye tell me that , laddie , and it 'd save me an awful lot of time . ’
24 This will give people the opportunity to see the same actors play three different parts , and it will give me that essential ingredient of a good farce : strong ensemble acting . ’
25 ‘ The code for America is 0101 and it will make me very rich . ’
26 And it will get me out of your way , she thought .
27 And it used to fill me up and I 'd
28 The Monster continues to scream as if it would blast me from the cosmos .
29 But it did n't move too swiftly over the rocky soil , and I began to doubt if it would reach me before the deadly rain finished me off .
30 J. was quite capable of staring her straight in the eye and swearing that black was white if it would get me out of a jam .
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