Example sentences of "[conj] it [adv] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Hot air is circulated at a high velocity in the cooking cabinet where it instantly envelopes the food and seals the meat so that it remains juicy .
2 NGF is normally taken up at nerve terminals and transported along the nerve fibres to the cell body , where it presumably regulates the amount of peptide .
3 His black curly hair looked crisp and shiningly clean , clinging close to the classic shape of his head , longer over a high , intelligent-looking forehead , and at the nape of his neck , where it just brushed the collar of his shirt .
4 Hence Jacobitism , the belief that James II and his heirs were the rightful rulers of Scotland ( and possibly England as well ) took far deeper root in Scotland than England , where it soon became the mere dream of a few impractical romantics .
5 Although it clearly superseded the Five Compilations ( all previous collections now being declared null and void ) it obviously included much of the law found there .
6 More importantly , the ending escapes the cliché in countless films of a marriage being halted in the nick of time although it most resembles the climax of a 1928 Harold Lloyd comedy , Speedy .
7 Even the idea that criminals are physically distinguishable has continued to be pursued to the present day ( Hartl et al. , 1982 ) , although it later took the form of relating types of body build to personality types .
8 Getting more information on comparative performance also enabled them to ask the right questions , although it also demonstrated the continuing inadequacies of data .
9 Externally , much of the building retains its 19th century heritage , although it now houses the sophisticated roller mill system installed in 1976/77 .
10 Deaf children 's reading ability does increase over time , however , although it never reaches the levels of hearing children .
11 Berni Miller , chief executive of the Farm Holiday Bureau , says she finds the report encouraging and feels that it broadly reflects the way the industry round the country is moving at the moment , although business in other regions is less seasonal than the West Country .
12 As I wrote to you at the time ( since you refused even then to see me or any of your old friends and supporters ) I accepted the MS as a sacred trust and would do what I could to see that it eventually saw the light of day in the most appropriate form .
13 One , with its morbid traits of personalised delusion , chaotic thinking , and bizarre affect , is so self-destructive that it frequently reduces the sufferer to psychological incompetence .
14 He says that it probably pre-dates the church by 1,000 years .
15 The remarkable feature of Kallibunker 's fur was that it completely lacked the usual long guard hairs found on all other cats .
16 However , serious doubt has been cast on the methodology used to collect this data on extra costs , suggesting that it grossly underestimates the true costs .
17 The concept of referential rigidity in the sense in which it is used in the above theory , on the other hand , goes beyond this in that it already presupposes the idea of " per se " existence .
18 This may not seem much , but it indicates that it clearly sees the dangers of the competition .
19 A principal justification for the change was said to be that it unduly restricted the proper development of the law ( Practice Statement , ( Judicial Precedent ) , [ 1966 ] 1 WLR 1234 ) .
20 The difficulty with this direct form of government is that it rarely survives the death of the caudillo .
21 He also refused to play in the England versus Scotland match on the ground that it immediately preceded the Open Championship and to make the abrupt switch from matchplay to strokeplay would impair his chances .
22 He used to be fond of quoting this rhyme : There is so much bad in the best of us And so much good in the worst of us , That it ill becomes the rest of us , To think evil of any one of us .
23 Does he agree that it ill behoves the Labour party to comment on that because Labour was against the channel tunnel at its inception ?
24 This last point implies that psychoanalysis , as such , is not concerned with the truth or falsity of religious beliefs , and that it rather counteracts the earlier arguments about religious beliefs being neither justified by sense experience nor rational arguments .
25 In specific terms , we can take this to mean : that war remains a political act ; that war must also be understood to be a revolutionising act ; and , finally , that it thereby acquires the potential to become ‘ absolute war ’ — whose corollary is total victory and absolute peace .
26 Although economic recovery led to a resurgence in manufacturing investment after 1983 , it was only in 1988 that it finally surpassed the level achieved at the end of the 1970s .
27 But Hitler 's prophecy , highly significant though it appears in retrospect , was at the time probably taken much for granted by most ‘ ordinary ’ Germans in the context of the ever more overtly radical anti-Jewish policy of the regime — a ‘ prophecy ’ so commonplace in its sentiments that it scarcely prompted the need for exultant expressions of praise , just as it failed to stir up any animosity or repulsion .
28 Although the merger gave Roh control of 216 of the 299 seats in the National Assembly it provoked widespread resentment on the grounds that it effectively removed the elected opposition .
29 Equally , if the board of directors could be restructured so that it effectively monitored the executive managers of the company , who would monitor the board itself ?
30 They claimed that the ruling nullified the government 's argument that it had no liability for the death of the Palestinian because it was an act of war , and that it effectively restored the government 's response to the intifada to the status of a police operation .
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