Example sentences of "[conj] it [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Fearon looked temporarily nonplussed , then shrugged , tossed the towel back into the bathroom behind him where it presumably landed on the floor and growled , ‘ All right , I 'll show you around .
2 The archer fish lives in mangrove swamps in South-east Asia , where it frequently searches for food near the surface of the water .
3 But there is some duplication in the figures of government revenues , because in the years covered by the table about half of the gross revenues of the republics and provinces was transferred to the federation ( where it again appears as revenue ) .
4 I was I was wondering too , myself , as I was travelling here where where it actually came from because er I do n't remember as a child , myself , doing something like this .
5 He slid his hand to her hip , where it gently rotated in a maddeningly sensual rhythm .
6 The visioncare business , which Pilkington has been nurturing for three years and where it now ranks in the world 's top three , increased its operating profits by £4.4 million to £18.8 million .
7 The visioncare business , which Pilkington has been nurturing for three years and where it now ranks in the world 's top three , increased its operating profits by £4.4 million to £18.8 million .
8 In 1977 it reformed as a more practical campaigning organization and moved to Mexico City where it now works with low-income women .
9 That night , when he awoke in the full certainty that someone else was in the room , he reached for it , where it usually lay by his headrest ; but he had barely moved before he felt its point at his throat .
10 But instead of looking at her , he was staring down at her hand where it still lay on his arm .
11 FitzAlan tossed the gown carelessly on to the stool , where it promptly slithered to the floor .
12 When all else failed , or it simply appealed to her a woman could always turn to the ranks for employment .
13 HERE IN THE STORE is where you should feel a little scared , except it still seems like a game , and the hardware lining the walls , to the uninitiated , still like toys .
14 Although it clearly plumps for quality , not bulk , the draft 's shopping-list of wants soon smothers this principle .
15 Its main targets were imports from Asian countries including China , Taiwan , Hong Kong and South Korea , although it also related to other developing countries .
16 In newsrooms libel is the greatest inhibition upon freedom of speech , although it also serves as a spur to accuracy and professionalism .
17 At the shaft head the tunnel is ten metres beneath the surface , although it immediately deepens by 67m as it passes under the gorge wall .
18 Although it probably began as a lung , over the course of evolution it has become the swimbladder , an ingenious device with which the fish maintains itself as a hydrostat in permanent equilibrium .
19 Nevertheless , the actual origin of the mechanical clock remains a mystery , although it probably occurred towards the end of the thirteenth century .
20 Although it hardly featured in the Report , the nature of lending in Sri Lanka , and its consequences in the first part of the twentieth century had burnt itself into the collective consciousness of many and clearly influenced the Commission .
21 The tiborium itself is thought to be a masterpiece of Renaissance art , although it hardly seems to be in the same class as that on Santa Maria delle Grazie .
22 In the discussion I have taken the necessity of quantification for granted ( although it sometimes happens in such communities that some patterns of variation are obvious without formal quantification ) .
23 A truly magical moment that ( although it originally appeared on the pair 's ‘ Sometime In New York City ’ epic ) makes this mess necessary .
24 Mike Nichols stated that one of his ambitions behind the movie was ‘ to stop the Los Angelesisation of America ’ , although it only added to the Los Angelesisation of American movies .
25 Although it only cost about eightpence ha'penny an ounce then .
26 Although it only appears in the sources c.1200 this may not be significant , for the chronicler does not refer to Eadric as Streona or to Edmund as Ironside , but there is eleventh-century evidence for both names .
27 It is a pity that the extent of his involvement with the introduction of monks into Bury St Edmunds is uncertain , although it apparently occurred with his licence .
28 But the fact that it eventually arrived in Germany was largely thanks to two German MPs , Ursula Seiler-Albring and Ina Albowitz .
29 An analysis of news originating anywhere away from the line-of-rail showed that it frequently came from such a tour , which shows what difficulty the news media had in getting rural news .
30 Cairns-Smith 's view of the DNA/protein machinery is that it probably came into existence relatively recently , perhaps as recently as three billion years ago .
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