Example sentences of "[conj] it [be] [prep] him " in BNC.

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1 He takes the understandable view that it is for him to take the first steps in Russia , which he is doing to keep the scientists in Russia .
2 It would be convenient to report that Ross Cranston 's performance was as immaculate as his appearance or that it is on him that the smart money will be laid .
3 It had taken a week to obtain , and had Hapsburg officialdom realized that it was for him rather than Aranyos it would have been unlikely to arrive before the end of the war .
4 Not only would I have refrained from interfering with Thorpe J. 's decision on the footing that he had properly directed himself and that it was for him to decide , but because , even on the facts as they then were , I consider that his decision was plainly right .
5 But Caspar , belatedly gallant , said that it was for him to lead the way .
6 The stranger might refuse to admit defeat and maintain simply that the person sitting on the bench was not I , that he was I , and that it was with him that the man who was now doubting his identity was having a conversation a moment ago .
7 He is the chief executive and administrative officer of the local authority , and it is to him in the end that the council must turn to see that the decisions of the council are executed .
8 The landowner , Lord Wharncliffe , conscious of the loss of one of Britain 's greatest natural assets , immediately instructed his workmen to reconstruct the lip exactly as it was before , and it is to him that we now owe the sight of Hardraw Force in all its almost-original splendour .
9 ‘ We shall send to you , Khan , and you shall advise us — but Alexei shall lead them , and it is to him we shall issue our patent . ’
10 Funakoshi 's son , Yoshitaka , became something of a driving force behind his father 's club , and it is to him that the famous ‘ mawashi geri ’ , or roundhouse kick , is accredited .
11 The central matter to which the gospel points , he insisted , is Jesus Christ himself ; and it is in him , as the head and Lord of all mankind , that all men are invited to discover God , their neighbour , and themselves .
12 Yet his criticism of false miracles undermined the foundations of popular belief and it was to him that the future heretic Blanco White acknowledged his debt .
13 Since then they had come into contact over one or two smaller matters , and it was to him that Greg naturally went in the aftermath of Hilda Machin 's death .
14 After the war a man called Alec Howson in Barnard Castle ran the trips and it was with him that we went to Loch Lomond .
15 A tilt to the left and it had taken his wing and was driving him back down to the ground ; correction to the right and it was at him that way , turning him round and out of control .
16 He also taught us music and it was through him that I learned of its expressive nature .
17 Innocent certainly knew the position of Monaco and it was through him probably that the pope made known his conditions for the acceptance of Otto .
18 Well , I says to him , I 'm getting sick of these calls cos you do n't know if it 's for him or him .
19 ‘ Things might have been handled a bit better — but it 's between him and the team . ’
20 Preston half understood this because it was in him , too , but he rejected it , also , because it scared him too much .
21 This one 's just as much of a prezzie for you as it is for him because it smells absolutely delicious !
22 We have a resource which Jeremiah did n't have , but St–Paul did — the companionship of the Holy Spirit , to be the strength when our work leads to tears , and to be the encourager whatever we do and wherever we do it , so long as it is for Him .
23 He offered no words , though he thought words within , in the Welsh tongue , which had been native to her as it was to him .
24 That thorny subject , if he but knew it , was as painful to her as it was to him .
25 I would n't have omitted him three hours before , but now it seemed I must face up to the situation as it was without him .
26 If we want to understand and possess the Spirit in his fullness , we need to keep our eyes firmly on Christ himself , for it is to him that all the Spirit 's authentic witness is directed .
27 With Sanjurjo dead , General Mola was the Carlists ' immediate interlocutor , for it was with him that the Carlist leadership had negotiated the Traditionalists ' active support for the rising .
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