Example sentences of "[conj] it [verb] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 There was no roof and the rain that had fallen in the night left dark stripes where it trickled down the greasy surface of the cows ' rumps .
2 And as independents Tony Carlin and William McCorriston , both formerly of the SDLP , counted their losses last night , the SDLP was celebrating victory in both the Northland Ward , where all five fielded candidates were elected , and on the Waterside , where it picked up an extra seat .
3 So it 's er just out this one , or it came out the end of er last year , December , January time .
4 That occurred although it took up a large slice of their already-depleted income , and they also ran the risk of getting lung cancer and other smoking related diseases , and placed the health of their children in jeopardy .
5 In 1908 the Standard was not printing photographs and , although it took up the art form in the 1920 's and it is a curiosity to learn that the first photograph it published to do with the Club was in fact of the Opening Match , but 50 years after the event .
6 That was actually quite a productive meeting , although it took quite a time to get through it , I think we did the right thing on the continuous procedures .
7 The risk remains , although it decreases where the relationship is further removed .
8 The first-floor museum for the Ancient History of Tel Aviv–Jaffa just round the corner was well cared for , although it recorded not the Arab history of Jaffa but the Biblical history of the land ; there was an exhibition to illustrate the Israelite Royal Period ( 930 BC ) with references to King David .
9 Although it weights up a little with speed , it still seems more concerned with the easy life than confidence-inspiring weight and feel .
10 No special protection has been given to the broadcasting of the proceedings of the House , although it seems likely the defence of qualified privilege to actions of defamation will be available .
11 Figure 5.13 shows the same data for the Focused model which , although it has much the same proportion of grid squares with differences in excess of 1000 people , now gives a total range from -4799 to +8339 .
12 Although it works off a car 's own battery , all Nightsticks also incorporate an internal power supply to foil thieves who go for the wiring first .
13 Although it comprises only a dozen paintings , sixteen works on paper and thirteen woodcuts and other graphic material , it is , in fact , the most significant presentation of his art since the Guggenheim Museum 's ‘ Expressionism : A German intuition 1905-20 ’ of 1980 .
14 On April 4 President Özal announced that Turkey had admitted 100,000 Kurdish refugees , reversing its previous decision to close its borders ( which it had taken on the grounds that it had neither the infra-structure nor the resources to cope with the flood of Kurdish refugees ) .
15 This was a mood that did not last ; the secular spirit is natural , it is more than ever clear , to modern industrial states — so much so that it invades even the clergy .
16 Nye derived equations for glacier flow assuming that ice is a perfectly plastic substance , that it flows down a valley of constant slope , and that the conditions of temperature , accumulation and ablation are simple and uniform , and his model could be compared with field observations .
17 One of the central features of the company is that it separates out the functions of ownership and management .
18 Nevertheless , the greenhouse effect is so efficient that this energy becomes trapped to the extent that it drives up the surface temperatures to the observed values .
19 A nice gimmick ; but read this trilogy immediately after an in depth study of quantum theory and you find that it represents possibly the most scientific of all science fiction novels .
20 Yesterday 's annual results showed that it kept up the good work in 1991 .
21 Its real blessing , of course , was that it kept down the numbers of mice and rats .
22 The weather was so nice that it seemed even the enemy had forgotten us .
23 She ate quickly , partly because she was so used to eating alone now that it seemed more a practicality than a pleasure , and partly so that the servants might have their own dinner at leisure in the kitchen .
24 Such were the quantities of alchohol consumed that it seemed only a couple more years before London saw its first designer louts and designer riots .
25 The attractiveness of this model is that it requires only a modest increase of temperature of around 100°C at the base of the lithosphere .
26 It is not necessary to reach agreement with Dr Bryan 's moral scheme in order to see that it involves quite a different moral emphasis from that projected on to the 1930s by post-war nostalgia .
27 Several governments , particularly that of the UK , sought during 1989 to portray the expansion of nuclear power as a suitable response to global warming , on the grounds that it emitted virtually no " greenhouse gases " .
28 Such overly anxious and insecure horses are usually found amongst the Thoroughbred population , where speed is of such importance that it predominates over every other desirable characteristic .
29 The holes are formed by transferring one stitch to the next needle to the right or left , leaving the empty needle in working position so that it picks up a stitch on the following row .
30 Ensure that you are not so near the microphone that it picks up every sound including heavy breathing and muttered asides .
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