Example sentences of "[conj] it [verb] it [is] " in BNC.

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1 There is little right of reply on radio and television and even where it exists it is not particularly likely to be heard by the audience of the original programme .
2 Although it seems it 's a hard act to follow .
3 UI has drawn up a ‘ statement of SVR4 commonality ’ that it says it is trying to get both Sun and USL to agree on .
4 Given the composition of Council , it is likely that only the DTI stands in the way of adoption of this proposal : if it is adopted , I hope we will be spared further sanctimonious claims to the high ground by the Institute , and that it concedes it is operating predominantly in the interests of ( some of ) its members .
5 The question of where they were to camp had been a matter of debate during the 1930's , so it seems it is not only the horse trading which is being revived .
6 Alliance & Leicester 's general manager Peter White confirmed that his society remains committed to the possibility of converting to a PLC , once it finds it is unable to carry out its strategic plans as a mutual .
7 And it said it 's a family business .
8 The Pacific Bell Inc arm of Pacific Telesis Group Inc does not believe that the folks across the Pacific should be the only ones to have universally available full broadband ISDN by the year 2015 , and it says it is discussing forming alliances with cable companies to help in the building of a super data highway in California over the next decade .
9 One company , TGS Marketing in Omaha , Nebraska , says criminals with longer sentences tend to make more devoted telemarketers — ‘ they 're looking for something stable to hang on to in their lives ’ — and it says it is not against hiring convicted murderers .
10 But Hambleton District Council opposes the move as the property lies in the heart of the town 's industrial estate and it says it is noisy and unsuitable for the old .
11 So he was and it had it 's Tormore House was really a lovely place .
12 Erm and it shows it 's er just about the turn of the century that is .
13 Erm and it shows it 's the twenty I think it 's the twenty second or twenty third I 've got it at home , er of October nineteen fourteen , this .
14 It is open to the family proceedings court to make an order under section 34(2) of the Act of 1989 for no contact between parent and child , if it thinks it is appropriate , though it would be ill-advised in most cases .
15 If it thinks it 's gon na hurt it will limp .
16 It should be put , he says , on a blacksmith 's anvil and smitten with a heavy hammer as hard as possible ; if it breaks it is not a true diamond .
17 When you go into hospital the first thing they do is to stick a scalpel or a needle into the burns and if it hurts it 's not that bad .
18 It 's just the pocket really let's turn you round a bit see if it hurts it 's just the way it is I 'm afraid see if we can open it up and spread it out a bit .
19 ‘ It could develop that way , and if it does it 's because we 're not treating the parents properly . ’
20 There is controversy over whether this sort of fusion occurs under pressure inside the Earth , or inside the heavier Jupiter , but even if it does it is at levels that are useless for commercial fusion .
21 Is it not the case , as was pointed out at the time of the French Revolution by the Abbé Sieyes , that if the second chamber agrees with the first it is superfluous and if it disagrees it is mischievous ?
22 What matters for this purpose is that if it escapes it is likely to do mischief and this is the meaning to be given to ‘ dangerous thing ’ in this context .
23 Everything , if it writes it 's his for college .
24 If it comes it is a bonus , something which literally is ‘ in the gift ’ of the grandparental generation .
25 But however I suppose it but it takes it 's like everything else but it 's a dead it really is a trade er Graham was saying to m to me when I was down in London , he says , It 's a pity mum that you could n't get work you know , I mean , you just did n't have the you know , your age and that to start work down here , he says , there 'd be plenty of work for you .
26 But it left it 's mark .
27 But it seems it 's not the hair which offends , but where you grow it .
28 But it seems it 's already fallen into other hands . ’
29 But it seems it is not to be , alas !
30 But it seems it is just a bit of a publicity thing .
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