Example sentences of "[conj] it [vb past] been [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It was substantially enlarged from £30 million per annum to about £125 million per annum , and was transferred from the Home Office ( where it had been since 1968 ) to the Department of the Environment .
2 The embalmed corpse of Georgi Dimitrov , Bulgaria 's Communist leader from 1946 until his death in 1949 , was removed on July 18 from the mausoleum in central Sofia where it had been on public display , and was cremated in a private ceremony .
3 The partly suspended sentence of imprisonment had been omitted from the Bill which had passed through all its stages in the Lords , although it had been under consideration by the ACPS .
4 She could not remember her dream , only that it had been about Edmund and that he loved her .
5 ‘ If my memory serves me correct , it was you who declared that it had been of no consequence and to wipe it out , ’ he said , the adoring fiancé replaced by an aloof accuser .
6 He would surprise everyone by getting a new speech right , but then show that it had been at the expense of other sections of dialogue .
7 USSR Interior Minister Boris Pugo explained that it had been at the request of a " national salvation committee " formed by the pro-Moscow Lithuanian CP on Jan. 11 , after its members were allegedly beaten up outside parliament as they protested against " anti-Soviet slander " in the media .
8 The thought that it had been inside his mouth , touching his tongue and gums and those rather small but perfect teeth , that it had been drenched in some of his most intimate fluids gave me an erotic thrill .
9 Well before 1330 the Angevin Empire had ceased to be the dynamic and significant political force that it had been in the mid and late twelfth century .
10 Interest and miscellaneous expenses were , however , quite a different matter , and the fact that it had been in the nature of his employment to disburse vast and unspecified amounts , as he put it , ‘ upon the simple word of the treasurer ’ , who had died in 1635 , did not help matters .
11 His body felt that it had been in a terrible accident .
12 If that trust is breached , as the Whigs held that it had been by James II , the people have the right to resist the government and replace it with another .
13 France 's diplomatic successes had made little impact on English opinion , and English military leadership was markedly weaker than it had been during the first phase of the war .
14 Perhaps " acquaintance " would be a fairer description than " friend " , but the difference was clearer in peacetime than it had been during the war .
15 Its autonomy was , however , short-lived , and although it was probably no less active than it had been under Henry VII , Wolsey 's domineering conduct thrust it into subservience .
16 It was all so much easier , somehow , than it had been with Christopher .
17 For Nestor , it was a courageous near-miss , an almost-historic encore that placed Canada closer to the final eight than it had been since 1913 ( when Canada made the Challenge round final — with only nine countries competing ) .
18 When Scarlet attempted to disagree , albeit feebly , Constance cited the scandals in the City and pointed out that the gap between the highest- and the lowest-paid was greater now than it had been since the nineteenth century .
19 Her mousy hair had been bleached by the sun to a more nearly-blonde than it had been since her childhood , and her skin was very brown .
20 In short , Ulster remained more of a violent backwater , removed from the mainstream of British social development , at the end of the 1970s than it had been at the start of that troubled decade .
21 Christmas of 1919 seems to have been vastly more festive than it had been at the workhouse in , say , the Dickensian days of 1844 .
22 The population was becoming less markedly English than it had been at the beginning of the century , with a large number of Ulstermen ( who felt the operation of the leasehold system was squeezing them out of land they had conquered and settled in Ireland ) , Scotsmen , and Germans among the settlers .
23 Thereafter it rose again to about £91,000 per annum in the last five years of the reign , little more than it had been at the start .
24 This did not mean a dramatic drop in popularity : indeed , his approval rating was higher in 1966 and early 1967 than it had been at any point since the Algerian crisis .
25 Visibility on the water was slightly better than it had been on land — there were no hummocks , and somehow night never seems quite so dark at sea as on land .
26 During my blue period my life also seemed to become a lot more structured than it had been for a while .
27 Mick was less fortunate , and when I awoke in the depressing gloom of dawn , he reported that the weather was very much better than it had been for a long time .
28 The sky was clearer than it had been for a week , and massive , but hardly elegant , Storskarfjell stood out like a white tent .
29 Morale on the shop floor was higher than it had been for a long year and an unhealthy atmosphere of optimism and hope pervaded the plant .
30 If possible , life was harder even for these ragged redskins than it had been for their forefathers after the war with Rope Thrower , when their livelihood had been deliberately burned away from them .
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