Example sentences of "[conj] it [vb past] with [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The lesson was very strictly controlled although it began with lots of open questioning which stimulated the class to decide where Rome should be founded and some of the reasons for its being in that position .
2 The film contradicts the popular view that GWR 's management was exemplary in the way that it dealt with its staff .
3 If , on the other hand , you judged the conversation you heard to be trivial and inconsequential and found yourself only selecting certain parts of it : if you changed it , rewrote it , rethought it completely so that it accorded with your own notion of how that conversation should have proceeded , then you are another sort of writer .
4 For some strange reason the image of the corpse of Nicola Sharpe floated up in his mind , and it brought with it a breath of foreboding , a sense that he was in the presence of evil .
5 And it came with them .
6 That was what he did for a living and it stayed with him all his life .
7 And it stayed with me right until I left school .
8 A bird had gained entry through one of the broken windows and flown helplessly around until it collided with her .
9 He would run the United States like a business , with little regard for the Constitution if it interfered with his plans , declare martial law to combat the drug problem , eliminate Social Security or the entire defence budget if it was thought necessary to meet the government 's deficit , and remove the power of Congress to raise taxes .
10 So far from killing himself over Wolfgang , he would not have hesitated to end the liaison if it interfered with his plans . ’
11 Top talks as if it rested with me to settle who were to be the Unionist candidates for the constituencies .
12 Cos it worked with me I had them up straight away
13 The moral of this story , was , she assumed , that one must see the beauty in what one has , and not search for it elsewhere ; but it carried with it , inseparably , the real sadness of the fading windows , and the fact that those within the house could never see them shine .
14 I laughed as well at the time , but it stuck with me .
15 as if to escape from the great pool of light , the destroyer gathered speed , but it moved with her , red , green , and orange tracer streaming into her sides .
16 By the late 1960s , Peat Marwick Mitchell 's headhunting division was earning $2m. annually with 20 consultants , an impressive performance considering the much lower salaries paid at that time ; but it clashed with their accountancy clients , and the top management did not care much for Korn 's apparently pushy style .
17 Rolle fingered his chest in consternation , trying to work out where this strange warmth had come from , but soon decided that it was from God , because it brought with it a flood of pleasurable and consoling emotion .
18 Julia knew that it could not be real because it brought with it even more horrible visions , in one of which Comfort and Anthony had her pinned to the ground and were hitting her with garden rakes with specially sharpened tines .
19 Lord Home , the last Etonian prime minister , disliked politics because it interfered with his sport .
20 Homer referred to the ‘ wine-dark sea ’ not because the Mediterranean was the colour of wine , but because it intoxicated with its obscurity .
21 The French ( i.e. the General 's ) version of an intergovernmental , non-integrationist community was rejected by the Dutch and Belgian governments , because it conflicted with their integrationist ideals and because they objected to de Gaulle 's exclusion of Great Britain .
22 Whatever their relations had been in life , this was no sacred invitation , since it coincided with her loss of faith in the consolations of religion .
23 Even Elena 's advice could be unwelcome when it interfered with his contemplation of the project .
24 But they were still there , she realised , all those doubts … nothing had changed , just because she happened to have ricocheted from Mortimer 's clutches into Guy 's arms this afternoon , just because Guy Sterne 's physical chemistry created a minor explosion when it mingled with hers
25 She 'd been feeling sick a morning or two , but not so as it interfered with her work , and no one remarked on it .
26 Nina knows about the lymphoma ; I had to cancel a prearranged lunch at Langans with her as it coincided with my short stay in hospital , and rather than make up an excuse I thought it an opportune time to tell her .
27 It was the most successful tour England had ever made , all the more satisfying as it began with them being written off as a bunch of no-hopers .
28 The associative process did not work with Rufus in quite the same way as it did with his erstwhile friend , Adam Verne-Smith , for Adam was an ‘ arts ’ person and he a scientist , so that Greek or Spanish names , for instance , evoked none of it .
29 It did n't hurt so much as it did with my Dad passing away .
30 Harnack himself defended that development as necessary for the survival of Christian faith in the ancient Graeco-Roman world , but believed it must now be transcended , for it brought with it the immense danger of transforming the original and authentic gospel of love preached and exemplified by Jesus into abstract intellectual formulae , of confusing the husk with the kernel .
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