Example sentences of "[conj] it [vb past] the [adj -est] " in BNC.

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1 Compared to all the other seven departments the ‘ stagnated ’ had the lowest score on all dimensions except ‘ challenge ’ ( where it was in the middle ) and ‘ conflicts ’ ( where it had the highest score ) .
2 Although it harboured the worst sort of poverty , inequality and exploitation during the 1930s and 1940s , not least because its bright lights attracted millions from the surrounding countryside , it seethed with exuberant life and economic activity .
3 In the 1989 general election , Congress ( I ) lost its majority , although it remained the largest single party in the Lok Sabha [ see pp. 37030-31 ] .
4 THIS ALBUM 'S predecessor , ‘ The Psychedelic Years ’ , was possibly the best compilation album ever , in the sense that it contained the best songs by the best bands in its field of reference ; in fact , it seemed to have all the good songs that came out of psychedelia ( It also had The Incredible String Band , but presumably only as a sorbet to clear the palate .
5 Wimpey made a loss in 1991 of £16.1m but has restructured by selling off businesses and said earlier this year that it believed the worst was over in the construction industry .
6 The emphasis was now to be increasingly on service , given to and paid for by the state , which assumed the right to appoint its commanders ( this was made easier by the fact that all accepted the state 's money for service in war ) and to demand that it got the best available in return for its money .
7 Eventually the tears dried up , but still she did n't move , lying there listlessly , feeling so brittle that it seemed the smallest of movements would scatter her into a thousand pieces .
8 The main point is this : Flaubert thought democracy merely a stage in the history of government , and he thought it a typical vanity on our part to assume that it represented the finest , proudest way for men to rule one another .
9 Yet it was in those six countries that it enjoyed the greatest influence and where it was able to generate the most support .
10 It was upwind of the volcano , so it escaped the worst of the thick ash-fall that Pompeii experienced , and almost all the population seem to have escaped unharmed — not more than thirty skeletons have been found .
11 This was the third year running that Booker Fitch had given the award to students on the HCIMA course , and it attracted the greatest number of entries to date .
12 ‘ But I got my hand there in a reflex action and it took the worst of it .
13 But I got my hand there in a reflex action and it took the worst of it .
14 ‘ Swan Light reduced its price from 52p to 32p a can and it performed the best of the nablabs , even out-selling Kaliber , ’ she says .
15 ‘ Swan Light reduced its price from 52p to 32p a can and it performed the best , even outselling Kaliber ’ — Ann Tonks
16 He had the sort of sensitive nose that made him instantly burst into tears if it got the slightest knock .
17 It was necessary in 1859 to write about the process of evolution as if it produced the best of all possible worlds , a substitute for the finger of the Almighty at work .
18 Mind you , the accountant , C.J. Broderick , soon saw what was happening , but it took the best part of a year to re-arrange matters so that the newspaper could save money by hiring me back at $28 per week .
19 But it laid the worst crimes at the door of the army , and recommended the dismissal of 40 serving officers .
20 But she made no move to leave , so I had to say not at all , I 'd gone to bed because it seemed the warmest place .
21 He chose to sleep in Three because it had the best view of the Jubilee Line , unobstructed by trees , and as he came into the room and crossed to the window , he saw beyond the garden and the trees and the rhubarb plantation a silver train speeding southwards .
22 They explained that in no way could it have come from the plant because it had the best preventive system for any smell , dust or poisonous substances that might otherwise destroy the environment .
23 He predicted that Democrats would support it because it had the greatest chance of securing enough backing to become law by overriding a presidential veto .
24 charge , principally because it hit the worst-off but also because it probably cost more to collect than was gained in revenue .
25 We planned to use the north-south route through Tamanrasset in Algeria as it had the greatest number of watering points .
26 Policy development was incremental in as much as it adopted the smallest , least disruptive step with the least apparent cost ( Lundqvist , 1980 ) .
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