Example sentences of "[conj] have [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 When the sentence has been passed , possibly ( as the sentencer indicated in this case ) with the benefit of some mitigation , it is discovered that the means to pay either did not exist or have in one way or another disappeared .
2 Provided they have at least one year 's service with the University by the expected date of birth , or have at any time been eligible to receive full-rate Statutory Maternity Pay or were at any stage entitled to the benefits of a previous employer 's paid maternity leave scheme , women are eligible for 18 weeks maternity leave on full pay , followed by up to 22 weeks unpaid maternity leave .
3 Ever since the Portuguese annexed Goa in 1510 , the Europeans have had their eyes on or have in some ways dominated Asia and the Pacific ; Western ideas have triumphed here as everywhere else in the world .
4 I ask the Minister to consider what impact that has on innocent people and their families .
5 There is a puzzle that has for many years intrigued mathematicians and philosophers .
6 It 's the one room that has in some way to accommodate the changing interests of all members of the family ; it 's also the room that is most on show , the room where your guests stay the longest .
7 This resolves the point that had to some extent been an open question before the Act .
8 Although the Victoria was not an especially large establishment , it backed onto an old warehouse that had at one time been split down the middle and then divided up into a series of small rooms that all opened onto a single long corridor .
9 It 's not unusual to find schools that have for many years undertaken a job analysis for all staff including ancillary assistants , caretaker and nursery nurses .
10 The next section reviews published natural language applications that have in some way addressed the problem of semantic knowledge representation and processing .
11 Mr Moynihan blamed his defeat on the ‘ collapse of the Liberal Democrat vote , which came from Labour some years ago and has to some extent returned there ’ .
12 She is an APRS member and has for many years been a life member of other heritage and conservation bodies .
13 Although the famous gallery owner is thinking of retiring and has for some time been searching for an institution to take on his private collection , the title of the event ‘ TransForm ’ is not a veiled reference to his forthcoming conversion from art dealer to museum collector .
14 Europe now produces more food than she needs and has for some years been supporting a section of industry that provides employment for less than 1% of our National workforce ; good for British agriculture , but how much better if the support had gone to those industries that took up a greater proportion of the work force , i.e. the engineers with 10% .
15 If so he wonders if the patient needs to cry and has for some reason stopped himself .
16 From its Midlands grassroots in the Clean-up TV Campaign , the NVALA has grown into an organisation with over 30,000 members , and has on several occasions organised nationwide petitions which have secured a formidable number of signatures .
17 It has been traditionally hunted for food and as a source of medicinal oil , and has in recent years been accidentally captured in fishing nets .
18 Speranskii 's consequent package of reforms is too complex to be analysed in detail at this point , and has in any case been thoroughly investigated by Marc Raeff .
19 The NSFU " urged its members to assist the government in every possible way and has in numerous cases been the means of healing differences and preventing stoppages " .
20 er he wants money coming in to the central fund er if has in two years time to face a , a trial , these allegations so be it , but meanwhile he wants the money to come in to the central fund for the reason he 's outlined
21 Nicky had ( and for all I know still has ) the reputation of being the best criminal defence lawyer at the Scottish bar and had on several occasions persuaded juries to acquit those whom he had every reason to believe were guilty .
22 ( 4 ) A solicitor 's employee who would not otherwise qualify under sub-paragraph ( 1 ) ( b ) of this rule to manage an office and who was 50 years of age or more on and had at that date been continuously employed in connection with the practice of that solicitor for not less than 20 years shall , provided he or she exercised the duty of management at that date , be entitled to continue to do so until retiring or attaining the age of 70 years , whichever first happens .
23 She was jumpy and had at one point been startled by her own shadow .
24 She was a nurse , and had at one time been a nun .
25 Still , she liked one or two of the collective , Xanthe had put some money in ( actually five hundred pounds , a fair whack ) when Miranda had asked her to , so she felt bound to give the paper some support in kind , and the office was fun — she liked pitching in with headings , sidebars , suggested stories , and pasting up till the small hours , with the help of ciggies and carafe wine ; the sex gossip was the best in town , which made up for the coffee ( though they could afford dope , they could n't rise to real coffee , and had at one time even resorted to the bitter brown syrup Camp , with the turbaned lascar on the label ) .
26 I refused to believe that he chanced to have the same name as the previous tenants of the cottage — unless he himself was the previous tenant , and had for some reason returned to Moila without wanting to be known ?
27 His infuriated wife , who had learned little of him since his departure , and had in all probability imagined him on a chain gang in some inhospitable region , had since learned that her husband was enjoying a rich existence with the high rollers of Sydney .
28 Sydney Greenstreet was too old to be taking much of an interest , and had in any case become obsessed with some obscure quest of his own , neglecting his ‘ business ’ .
29 That statement had been true and had in any case not been made by Moorgate Mercantile , since H.P.I. was not an agent of Moorgate Mercantile for the purpose of making such a statement .
30 Although projects for the reform of the courts were being drawn up and had in some cases been completed , " the date of their publication can not yet be predicted with any certainty " .
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