Example sentences of "[conj] have [verb] that the " in BNC.

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1 Now every opinion poll in er Britain for the last twenty two years has said that they believe that has shown that the people believe that the troops should not be in Northern Ireland .
2 It is admitted that there was er such a letter and er on this occasion er Miss evidence is that having heard that the landlords consent for the assignment still had n't been obtained , asked Mr again whether it was possible in view of that , er to withdraw from the contract and er it is case that again Mr repeated the advice he 'd given to Mr two days earlier and told her that it was not possible and that again is denied .
3 Rachel was invited to join them and she was happy to do so , but for the rest of the day she could n't forget that moment when David had moved so close to her ; she could n't forget the look in his eyes , a look that had implied that the conclusions drawn by others about his intentions towards her could be well founded .
4 The introduction and development of the use of motorcycles for health workers has proved to be very successful and has illustrated that the effectiveness of health work can be improved .
5 The Federal Trade Commission has completed its 30-month investigation into the business practices at Microsoft Corp and has decided that the company has engaged in anticompetitive behaviour , according to the December 28 issue of BusinessWeek .
6 East Devon District Council has looked at the paperwork and has realized that the Community Council is going to match anything that they give , so I 've spoken to their recycling officer and he thinks that the way the budget is , we 're very likely to get one of the containers from them , which would be matched by another from the Community Council .
7 Paisley has gone on record time after time to condemn the assassination of Catholics and has insisted that the potential violence represented by the old Protestant Volunteers and more recently by the Third Force should only be exercised in a defensive manner and in the event of a complete breakdown of law and order .
8 Similarly if someone has left a certain amount to somebody and has added that the sum can quite easily be offset , since the beneficiary is his debtor on account of Gaius Seius ' estate ; yet the beneficiary does not wish to enter that estate but claims the trust : our emperor replied by rescript that he was claiming the trust against the intention of the testator , since in trusts the intention of the testator is particularly to be regarded and observed .
9 This view , Cureton argues , does not do justice to the complexity of rhythm and has meant that the study of non-metrical verse and of rhythmic prose has been neglected .
10 Daniel Digby , provost of the G-Mek Orbital , has issued a formal denial to allegations by Ayatollah Bakhtiar that fugitive graphic novelist Neil Gaiman has been in hiding in the facility , and has requested that the Pan-Islamic congress stand down the Inter-Satellite Ballistic Missiles currently targeted on them .
11 Suppose now that the Chancellor has decided in favour of the petitioner , and has held that the land which legally belongs to the defendant ought to belong , or , ‘ in conscience ’ , in equity , morally , does belong to the petitioner .
12 It has heard and seen evidence from witnesses including the minister of agriculture , fisheries and food , the chairman of the NRA , the Chemical Industries Association and the Institute of Wastes Management , and has recommended that the government take the fourth option of its consultation paper ( Chem .
13 THE Speedway Control Board have overturned a decision that the results of Monday 's world championship British quarter-final at Exeter , abandoned with four heats remaining , should stand and have ordered that the meeting be rerun .
14 If we 've come to guard and received forgiveness of sins , if we have become good followers of Jesus Christ and we are not amazed then there 's something wrong with what we 've received that god should so love , not just the world , but should so love me , that he gave his son to die for me and that was the sort of er discovery that these four lepers made they 've come down there , they 've found that the sight before them was amazing , there was no enemy there , the enemy had disappeared and the tents with all their contents were there before them , they were amazed with what they found and you and I when we come to god through Jesus Christ , we are amazed at what we find , we find forgiveness , we find the restoration of a relationship between ourselves and god , we find an access to receive god 's blessing to receive his favour , to receive his gifts that he has for us , no wonder the apostle Paul cries out thanks beyond to god for his unspeakable gift , but then again these four men they were not just amazed that what they found , they were , they got absorbed in what they got , because they got a lot more than they bargained for , they possibly in their wildest dreams thought they might at least get , get what the cook was throwing out , they might get to , to the dustbins , they might get what was left over , that would of been great , they were dying of starvation , the driest mouldiest crust would of been like , like a banquet to them , but they got so much more than they anticipated and they got absorbed in it , every thing was there 's for the taking as they pulled back the , the flap of the tent as they go in and they see the tables laid out there , they see the food and the drink , they see the plenty , these men who for weeks have known terrible poverty , there might of been a time earlier on in the siege when a few scraps got thrown over the city wall , when the bins were put out the side of the city of an evening , er they would go there and forage amongst them , but all that had stopped long since and it was only the bits and pieces that they managed to forage for themselves and get for themselves that they 'd been eating of late , but here every thing is there for the taking , they rubbed their eyes , they pinched one another to make sure their not dreaming , it really is food and drink in a , in an abundance they could n't of thought of a few mo hours earlier one moment they had nothing , the next they 've got every thing , what was it they needed , food , the tables would of been laden with it , it was the food , enough food for an army and there 's only four of them , did they , were they thirsty , here was drink , here was wine and , and drink in abundance the rags , the tatters they were dressed in , there were garments and wardrobe full of clothes here for them , did they need money , well the tents were full of the gold and the silver and , and , and valuables , there were a sufficiency , every thing was there you know the idea that the Christian life is drab and poor is such a terrible false hood , its an iniquitous lie of the devil , the tragedy is that we have actually often made it that way , we have made the Christian faith something drab , something boring , something for old folk er and er you know , people who are , who are , just wanting a crutch because their coming to the end of their natural life and we 've made it something drab and dull listen to what the apostle Paul says when he 's writing to Carinthian 's in his second letter in chapter eight , he says you know the grace of our lord Jesus Christ , that though he was rich for your sakes he became poor , so that you through his poverty might be rich , god , he 's purpose follows his people , he 's not that we 've a drab , grey , dull uninteresting life , Jesus said I 've come that you might of life , and that more abundant , that in all its fullness and god has purpose for us , and when Paul is talking about riches there , he 's not talking about pounds and pence , he 's talking about the richness of the life that we enjoy its not a case of not doing this and having to do that the other thing , its a case of enjoying life as god purposes it , as god intends it you know if you do n't enjoy your Christian life now , let me tell you your in for a rude awakening when you get to heaven , because the quality of life is not gon na change the only things that 'll change is its la it , it will , it will be in his presence , the quality of life will not change because already now we have received eternal life , he has given his life to us and he has n't got some other special , you know , super duper life laid up , there 's nothing , there 's nothing greater ahead , god has n't got any thing greater for us than what he 's already given to us in embryonic form here and now why if we take on er a , a , a dazzling scintillating new zest and zap when you get to heaven , that life is already given to you and to me know go back to these four men at the moment , they had never known any thing like this before this was better than all their birthdays rolled into one , this was the greatest day in their experience and if they would live to be a hundred they would never know another day like this , they were having a tremendous time , it said they , they , they , they went into one tent , listen to what they did , they went into one tent and they , they ate , they drank , they had a party and they carried from there the silver , the gold and the clothes and they went and hid they returned and entered another tent and then they did the same there , they were having a tremendous time , this was a beano to end all beano 's , this was the greatest day in their life , they were having a wonderful time and why should n't they , why not you know there are folk who would , who 'd want to make us as Christians er and er , ee , put us into a straight jacket the bible tells me even the sunsets free , is free indeed and I do n't see any suggestions as I read the New Testament , that first of all the life of Jesus was drab and uninteresting , or that he expects me as his follow to lead a drab , a grey life , oh its not always gon na be a ple an easy life but that does n't reduce the , the zest and the excitement in it but you see the danger is when having a good time is the reason for living and the only reason for it , you see , if god has intervened in our life , if the message of the gospel is true , if god in Christ has taken away your sin and made you in Christ a new creation then you have every reason to enjoy life , in a sense your only able to start enjoying life now , you may have enjoyed some of the things that , that folks suggest that make up life , but they 've finished , there gone , what happens when the , when , when the wine has run out , what happens when the parties over , you know all about it the next day , do n't you , what happens then , its such short lived , its only worth having whilst its coming to you all the time , but that 's not so with a Christian life , because it doe , depend on just the things that we have or the experiences that we go through , because it is something that , that we have within , it is , it is a quality of life that we possess , because we possess the one who is life himself , listen to what Paul says when he 's writing to Timothy in his first letter in chapter six it is command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant or to put their hope in wealth , those who think that , that er in having possessions that is the secret of life or , or in having a good time and , and , and the rest of it that is what life is all about , he said warn them not to do that , because that is so uncertain , he says but to put their hope in god who richly provides us with every thing what for , for our enjoyment , why has god given us these things , why is , why is god even , he is natural creation there for us , it is for our enjoyment , its not to make us miserable or to make us grey and drab and burden by it , it is for us to enjoy , when god created Ada Adam and Eve and put them in the garden , the , they were told to enjoy it , even the fruit enjoy it , its there for your benefit and then the new creation , every thing that god has provided is there for our enjoyment , but the dangers is when that enjoyment , is the reason for living and that 's all we do it for and were so taking up with ourselves , I am gon na have my good time , I 'm gon na enjoy myself as a Christian and I can do it and you can do it , you become insular and we become introverted and the only thing that matters is me having a good time , my world centres around me and me enjoying myself and me having this and me having that , this blessing and that gift and that other blessing , we become self centred and taken up with our own good times , as long as I can be there in the centre , as long as I can go from , from , from this celebration to that celebration , as long as I can go from this er festival to that festival to this special meeting to that one , I 'm gon na have my good time well that was what these fella 's were doing , they were going from tent to tent , from celebration to celebration having a great time and then the truth hit them they were ashamed with what they had done , they said to one another we are not doing right , this days a day of good news , but we are keeping silent , if we wait until morning light punishment will overtake us , now therefore , come , let us go and tell the kings household how guilty are we , how guilty are you , how guilty am I of the sinner silence , remember how we started , its not always the things that we do its often the things that we do n't do , how guilty are we of the sin of silence these men had known nothing , known poverty and , and , and , and starvation , they were amazed at what they 'd found , they 'd became absorbed in what they had got and now they 'd became ashamed of what they had done with it what was the sin that troubled these men they said we are keeping silent .
15 But the reliability of Mrs. Steed 's statement was seriously undermined by the circumstances that she had denied ever having seen the transfer and had denied that the signature was hers .
16 You know he was that tramp must have been an honest man because father said there was quite a little of sovereigns in that , and so I suppose it had been given to the parish and had seen that the man was properly buried , and then they discovered that he was an Aberdonian .
17 Chris explained with rapidly diminishing patience that some of the Argentinian officers had received their training at Sandhurst ; his brother had served in the Scots Guards on Mount Tumbledown and had said that the Argentinians they had confronted there had been good , professional soldiers .
18 On July 8 she had announced a stepping-up of the deportations of illegal immigrants , and had said that the state would charter special aircraft for the task .
19 SAAB had estimated the costs and benefits of the line-out system and had calculated that the system would pay for itself within four years , with more than half of the savings coming from the increased production flexibility of the system and another 25 per cent coming from reduced labour turnover and absenteeism .
20 He still felt extremely nervous about what might happen once they left the warren and had decided that the best way to avoid trouble would be to keep close to Hazel and do exactly what he said .
21 He was an unhappy personality , who had obviously grown up in the shadow of his father and had decided that the assumption of a totally aggressive demeanour was the only way of maintaining a personality of his own that would be distinct from that of his famous , indeed most famous — parent .
22 Up to a dozen viewers had heard my throwaway remarks and had assumed that the party at Frenchay really would be out in the street .
23 and had emphasised that the Institute could be left behind and would be compelled by others in Europe to do certain things , which was not desirable .
24 In testimony and published accounts he had insisted that he had argued against the proposition of selling arms to Iran and had believed that the idea had been abandoned .
25 Coming on the heels of the Ashby Report , which had lacked conviction in Tutorials and had recommended that the reference to them in grant regulations be dropped , the Board 's decision seemed to be another blow to what had traditionally been regarded as the apex of WEA work .
26 We met 30 of the school 's young jokers and had to admit that the children and staff at Mother Theresa 's are a very funny lot .
27 We met 30 of the school 's young jokers and had to admit that the children and staff at Mother Theresa 's are a very funny lot .
28 We met 30 of the school 's young jokers and had to admit that the children and staff at Mother Theresa 's are a very funny lot .
29 Ganev and the UDF had been angered by some documents leaked in late February in an attempt to smear him , and had demanded that the secret services by placed under the control of the Interior Ministry rather than the Presidency as at present .
30 Many have thought this absurd and have concluded that the goal should be the increase of average happiness .
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