Example sentences of "[conj] have [verb] [prep] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 The boredom was broken only by bayoneting rats , bailing more water out of the trench or having to listen to Tommy repeat the same old melodies on a now rusty mouth-organ .
2 Let us imagine that I have the misfortune to be born or to have settled in Portugal ; being an enlightened philosopher I dislike the institutions there ; should I try to change them by political subversion ?
3 This would have been impossible unless we camped at the foot of Beinn Eibhinn , or had started from Loch Ossian at dawn , or were two gold medalist fell-runners .
4 Following a 36-hour offensive , the government claimed on Nov. 1 to have routed the rebels , but it was unclear whether they had returned to Uganda or had dispersed within Rwanda .
5 These ministers had mostly either left the west of Scotland because they could not reconcile their consciences to episcopacy when it was restored there , or had come to Ulster to evangelise and serve the Scots settlers .
6 You or your husband or wife must either think of Scotland as your permanent home or have lived in Scotland for at least one year immediately before you apply for divorce .
7 Well I , I wrote actually that article for the the Herald and Post that has appeared in Harlow but not here .
8 The beef that went to Murmansk was used immediately , and the beef that has gone to St. Petersburg has been used .
9 And as one walks down the precipitous towpath there on the right is the stepping spread of side ponds and beyond that the overgrown remains of ‘ one of the many freaks that the mechanical age has produced ’ , as Rolt describes rather ungraciously the inclined plane that has gained for Foxton an entry in the ‘ Encyclopaedia Britannica ’ .
10 The terror that has ruled in Iraq under Saddam 's regime is tragically clear .
11 ‘ The war that has raged in Bosnia-Herzegovina over the past year has taken a staggering toll : thousands have been killed or imprisoned , thousands more are at risk due to hunger and exposure , and over two million people have been forced from their homes , ’ he said .
12 ‘ And I would point out that we have just completed a development squad tour that has taken in Western Samoa , Fiji and Tonga and comprised a black management and a large percentage of black players in the squad . ’
13 A damning report published this week by Oxfam , a British charity that has worked in Africa for 40 years , concludes that structural adjustment has neither restored growth nor eased poverty in Africa .
14 They are following a path that leaves them vulnerable to just the type of discount-retailing that has flourished in Germany .
15 One of the few criticisms that has rankled with Mr Kinnock has been the allegation of cockiness — the presumption he has won before the votes have been counted .
16 The Pearl Investor Confidence Index shows investors are slightly more optimistic than they were , the first time that has happened since November .
17 Nothing that has happened in Czechoslovakia or in the wider world since that time has diminished the willingness of the Czechoslovak people to accede to this wish .
18 Situated close to Harrods and just a few doors along Beauchamp Place from Kanga , the dress shop owned by Prince Charles 's confidante Lady Tryon , San Lorenzo has been at the centre of much that has happened around Diana this year .
19 The decision to press ahead with new builds on a large scale was based on Provincial 's conviction that it could reduce its losses if given the freedom to operate cost-effective diesel-mechanical rolling stock , allowing shorter but more frequent trains , than having to take on InterCity 's weary cast-off locos and hauled stock .
20 But you get the erm the little estates that 've grew round Walsall Wood erm you see they were all Conservative and it was , but it was just a straight fight between but , he said it was a good fight and er we had , we had two .
21 They 've been going through all the lorries that 've come into Dover today with some sort of connection with the Balkans .
22 The incipient differences between NICRA and the DHAC had never been resolved and the Derry radicals and their allies in the Belfast Young Socialists were determined to provoke a more drastic challenge to authority than had occurred in Dungannon .
23 Turnout was in the region of 30 to 35 per cent of the 4,700,000 electorate , less than had voted in October 's presidential elections in which President Félix Houphouët-Boigny , Africa 's longest-serving head of state , was returned for a seventh five-year term [ see p. 37767 ] .
24 The pavement beside Alen Glen 's was smashed and a Corporation junction box that had stood outside Jackson 's Dog House in Dundas Street lay up a close .
25 The surprise announcement of British entry into the Exchange Rate Mechanism appeared to have solved , at least in the short term , the long-standing divisions in the party and government over the correct approach to Europe — divisions that had contributed to Lawson 's resignation a year earlier .
26 The light of hope that had flickered in Tubby 's eyes died and he shook his head wearily .
27 Shortly after the official opening ceremony a collection of no less than 11 Norseman floatplanes that had gathered at Red Lake , started-up , taxied around Howey Bay , took-off ( a tremendous effect as the sound of 11 Pratt and Whitney R–134s revving at full power reverberated around the bay ) and performed a series of fly-bys and overshoots over the bay in salute of CF–DRD and the weekend events .
28 The fishing fleets that had gone to Newfoundland since early in the century indicated another possible area for settlement , and Gilbert lost his life in 1583 on the way back from inspecting the prospects for a colony there .
29 ‘ I have got the fire in my belly again — that had gone at Wimbledon and I think they knew that .
30 It exposed the moral dangers of the mechanistic philosophy that had begun with Bacon and had fuelled humankind 's drive for dominance over Nature .
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