Example sentences of "[conj] have [adv] have [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 It is a name that has certainly had its share of exposure ever since the 19-year old batsman arrived in England to take the place of Australia 's tearaway fast bowler Craig McDermott , The editorial in the May issue made passing reference to the volte face implicit in a very good batsman taking the place of a very good bowler .
2 Nearing the narrows of the loch where the ferry operated , the road climbs a long incline through a forest , emerging in open country and here a branch , formerly the main road , goes down to the hotel and other buildings grouped forlornly around the old ferry pier : it is always sad to see an enterprise that has served its purpose well and has now had its day .
3 She thought she could in the end be legitimized , be more than just the girl who had married the first man who came along in order to get away from home : daughter of a mother who 'd shacked up with her own mother 's boyfriend at that own mother 's unconscious behest — and had thereby had her life negated forever .
4 She was Manisha , a Muslim girl of twenty from Sylhet , and had just had her second child .
5 The Swansea and Neath Society was founded in December 1822 but made no appeal through a public meeting until January 1826 ; the Manchester Society , although becoming active at the beginning of 1824 , issued no report to the public until March 1827 and had only had its first public meeting on 22 March 1826 .
6 And auditors are found guilty in court , censored by regulatory investigators , and have even had their practising licences suspended in certain US states .
7 In this sense we want to tie the structural changes in political economy that have marked most nations in the last decade and have commonly had their most profound consequences in cities , to attempts to demarcate a space that corresponds to the political , social and academic construction of a traumatised inner city .
8 Some people have been in hospital for 34 years and have never had their independence .
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