Example sentences of "[conj] if you [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 And the barriers drop , so if you try and go through when the lights are flashing or if you try and go round the barriers the chances are the train 's getting nearer and nearer and could hit you .
2 If you take an instant dislike to a particular hypnotherapist , or if you feel that you are unlikely to be able to establish any rapport with him , then he is not the one for you and any treatment would be unlikely to succeed .
3 Emergency contraception sometimes called ‘ the morning after pill ’ may protect you against pregnancy if you have had sexual intercourse without contraception or if you think that the method you have used may not have worked — but it should never be used as a regular method of family planning .
4 Emergency contraception ( sometimes called ‘ the morning after pill ’ ) may protect you against pregnancy if you have had sexual intercourse without contraception or if you think that the method you have used may not have worked — but it should never be used up to 72 hours after intercourse and an IUD method that may be fitted within five days .
5 But she had read that if you turn and f ace the nameless fear , just once , you never have that dream again .
6 It 's the classic chicken and the egg problem , that if you try and identify something starting one area , and using that as a sort of causal factor for another area of behaviour , I 'm not sure whether , in the majority of cases , you can satisfactorily identify one as being the cause and the other being the result of that causal factor .
7 You are then guaranteed that if you register and receive the full packaged software it will work on your machine and with your printer .
8 We can surely conclude that if you know that you are sitting reading , you know that you are not a brain in a vat , and hence ( by simple modus tollens ) that since you do n't know that you are not a brain in a vat ( agreed above ) you do n't know that you are sitting reading .
9 No I think , I reckon that if you knew that the bloke was an easy pull , they would n't do it if they , if they knew they could n't get the girl cos otherwise it would be embarrassing for them , but if they knew that she was an easy pull they 'd do it for a joke .
10 He was going on and on , and erm , I said , well , I 'm sure that if you go and pick it up , it will be working .
11 For he had stumbled across — or it had been revealed to him — that if you act as you deeply want to act and if that , sublimely , coincides with what you aim for , then nothing is simpler , nothing is more dynamic , nothing is happier .
12 First note that if you argue that , you must now logically think that the disadvantage has gone : prime-borrowing rates in Japan have risen to over 8% , roughly level with those in America .
13 I I do suggest that if you feel that some easing is required that er you could specifically refer to exceptions that will be set out er in local plans .
14 You see it makes it easier for us as well because it means that if you do if you are there we can leave you in charge for ten minutes while
15 you think that if you work if you , if you think about it , in other words he has married a woman who is the mother of a wife of his father who he calls mother .
16 my Lord , my Lord er unless I 've miss understood your Lordship it fits in the sense that if you think that unreasonably or even unfairly disclude someone from the market , you 're are excluding someone who would compete in the market , you 're taking someone out who may of had an impact on the market , may of brought prices down , offer better terms and conditions
17 Indeed , finally , David Frost asked : ’ I mean in the situation that if you find that those two moves , the tax at 50p and the National Insurance contribution raised £4.5 billion or £4.8 billion ’ — which David Frost said was more than the right hon. and learned Gentleman needed — ’ you would n't adjust what you 're going to do , downwards ? ’
18 And if you knew that pushing one particular thing was going to get you nowhere you did n't waste time going on pushing it , you left off and started pushing something else .
19 It may be the start of a long slide away from the story you have to tell and if you let that happen you will , however quick and exciting the dialogue , eventually threaten your reader 's interest in the whole .
20 And if you pass that test you go back to your police force and you are evaluated and having tests all the time .
21 And if you went and bought the essential oil you could buy
22 G-ARJU has an equipped empty weight of 2564 lbs and if you subtract that from the maximum weight of 3800 lbs there is a useful load of 1236 lbs .
23 But there may be other symptoms over the years , and if you marry and have children they may inherit in various ways .
24 And if you go and have a look at the tables , you find that Abbey Life actually makes your money grow faster than a lot of other insurance companies .
25 And yet I tell you what and if you go and play football on Sunday and you 're not a hundred percent fit from this cold you 've lost all next week as well .
26 Yes , yes , well I am too , and that we shall pay the penalty later on if we do n't get with us and I feel that erm , as difficult as the budget is , as tight as it is with reduction etcetera , I feel that we should make a positive funding for prevention or something , or er , because I think unless we do start somewhere , and quickly , we are going to pay the penalty at the end of the and so we 've got to make a date , you 've got to make a year , and if you wait and say and well we have n't got it now , well next year we shall say we have n't got it now , and the next year we 'll say we have n't got it now .
27 If you assume that on politically sensitive issues as is normally the case the magistrates would not vote , and if you assume that the Secretaries er Secretary of State 's appointees would , as would seem entirely plausible , vote in accordance with the wishes of the Secretary of State and the Secretary of State were indeed a Conservative Secretary of State , you would in fact have er in a area where the with the with the with the substantive Labour majority , you would have a Conservative majority on the police authority and you would you have the possibility of conflict between the police police authority and the local authorities er in the area who are jointly responsible with the police authority for many aspects of er of of policing by consent .
28 I think your difficulty arises from the fact that if you choose someone who 's alive , they 'll deny it , and if you indicate that it was Dr Wetherby , whose bedroom on my plan is next door to yours , you immediately establish a connection with him which will interest us .
29 That might be the simplest way and if you add that to the seventy two that are out of commission short term beds , holiday beds , which you 've got to keep empty anyway .
30 And if you believe that , you 'll also be pleased to hear that Tranmere Rovers have signed Toto Schillaci .
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