Example sentences of "[conj] if [pron] think [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Emergency contraception sometimes called ‘ the morning after pill ’ may protect you against pregnancy if you have had sexual intercourse without contraception or if you think that the method you have used may not have worked — but it should never be used as a regular method of family planning .
2 Emergency contraception ( sometimes called ‘ the morning after pill ’ ) may protect you against pregnancy if you have had sexual intercourse without contraception or if you think that the method you have used may not have worked — but it should never be used up to 72 hours after intercourse and an IUD method that may be fitted within five days .
3 there 's a psychological as aspect in some so much that if they think that a policeman is gon na walk round the corner er , they 're not so keen on doing it .
4 my Lord , my Lord er unless I 've miss understood your Lordship it fits in the sense that if you think that unreasonably or even unfairly disclude someone from the market , you 're are excluding someone who would compete in the market , you 're taking someone out who may of had an impact on the market , may of brought prices down , offer better terms and conditions
5 First of all they say that if she thinks that they 're waxworks she should pay , and then they say that if she thinks that they are real , she should be talking to them .
6 First of all they say that if she thinks that they 're waxworks she should pay , and then they say that if she thinks that they are real , she should be talking to them .
7 And if they thought that she was going to invite Colin and Yvonne in for a drink when they arrived they would get a shock .
8 And if they think that , then it makes sense to assume they 're trying to get to me by hurting you . ’
9 And if they think that it suits them to shift a factory to the Philippines because there wo n't be an inspection there , that 's what they 'll do .
10 And if they think that they they can help you out with that that extra half page to get four pages
11 Money and effort that should have been devoted to supporting the ordinary people in Highfields has been wasted on power politics and I agree that it 's time surely to put an end to that disgrace now there is a certain logic in Mr amendment , it basically says let us put the implementation of council policy in the hands of the director of education , let him take executive control and let us take politics out of it and if I thought that that would do what both Mr and myself want to happen I would support .
12 Well , she felt in a fighting mood , and if he thought that he could make a fool of her in front of his girlfriend then he was in for a big surprise .
13 If Ewen does come back , he 'll see the tent , and if he thinks that ‘ Parsons ’ is safely out of the way , then whatever his interest is in the house , he 'll no doubt show it .
14 I have to warn Professor that there 's more than one party can play that game and if he thinks that it is sensible to run the affairs of this council on deliberate obstructionism on the basis that if you go on long enough you can wear people down then I think it 's unfortunate , it 's bad for this council bad for the people we serve , it does frankly nothing for local government and I ca n't blame central government if it loses patience So I recognise at the end of the day that erm Mr has had troubles with some of his erm er newcomers he obviously needs to re-establish some control over his group .
15 Phone cards have done a lot to alleviate the problem , but British Telecommunications Plc is required by its licence to maintain coin-operated public telephones as well , and the company reckons that smashing and entering of the cash boxes costs it £19m a year — and if you think that it 's all just casual vandalism , think again — the company told the Daily Mail that there was actually a man offering courses on the best ways of clawing open the boxes quickly and easily — he charged £80 for the course , and then took the best pupil out for a test run around the local boxes .
16 You are the most ill-mannered , arrogant man it has ever been my misfortune to meet and if you think that I am going to obediently trot over there and start picking up that rubbish now … ’
17 And if you think that I am going to sit here — ’
18 Erm , the erm , the erm , the erm , er , settlement of the anti tr civil anti trust law suit that was referred to in the statement was erm , costs of about six million dollars this year on a class action law suit which we have reached a tentative settlement on in the last few days and , in fact , there were some , there was about six to seven million dollars of additional provision made at the end of last year in the one time charges that we referred to at that time but could n't really identify with erm , lawyers breathing down your necks in the United States and er , this is a class action law suit , would have been in a Texas Court and erm , you know , the boiler plate language is that you want to get rid of the , you know , the expense and uncertainty of this type of litigation and if you think that what a Texas jury did to Texaco , it 's probably a prudent decision to close the matter off at this time .
19 And if anybody thinks that with reasonable budgeting you could manage on sixty three twenty , I challenge you to do a little personal budgeting .
20 But if we think that , we have not reckoned with the mischief of the compiler .
21 More money could , of course , be spent , but if we think that this is simply a matter of money —
22 But if he thought that he could goad a reaction out of her then he was sorely mistaken .
23 If Brian Wilson wishes to echo the slurs of Ian Lang by referring to those organising the call for a referendum as ‘ headless chickens ’ , that is his choice , but if he thinks that is the best way to protect health , education and jobs from Tory policies , it is he who will be judged harshly .
24 But if you think that such a belief is necessary in order for a patient to gain benefit from past-life regression therapy , you are wrong — as I hope to be able to explain in this chapter .
25 It 's one thing if you 're fully staffed but if you think that whichever of my boys is on guard duty for the day is responsible for the shopping as well as the cooking , and I have to put another boy on guard as substitute to him and another at the disposition of the local magistrate , and I 've two out on motor-bike patrol — where am I when a case like this comes up and I 've got to be out ? ’
26 But if you think that money can ever pay me back for losing the little child — who came to the forge — and always the best of friends ! ’
27 This held true even in marriage ( a man who loved his wife too passionately was an adulterer , said St Jerome , who was not a man you 'd invite to parties ) ; and rampant millenarianism encouraged the tendency , since if you think that the end of the world , no , this world , is imminent , then procreation must seem something of a waste of time , and preparing your soul for Judgement Day will be pushed up your list of priorities .
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