Example sentences of "[conj] if [pron] could [verb] " in BNC.

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1 So I told them what I would do , but once again I 've never been in the situation but this is what I 'll do , said as if they were me own parents make them as comfortable as I could while I 'll cleaned up and give them a bed bath or if they could shower , shower them and erm and get everything back to normal as quick as possible , fine , that were all fine she , and then as , as I got up from it they all said thanks a lot Joy it has been great you really have been great you 've made it easy , we 've got an easy day in front thanks to you , you know you 're bubbly and all this and then when she phoned me on the Sunday she said hello Joy it 's Sue here and I , I said will you let me know one way or the another cos I said I hate being left up in the air
2 He felt that if they could make travelling at night dangerous , the enemy would be forced to move in daylight , thus becoming targets for the RAF .
3 Because they believed — and we had better believe it also — that if they could make individuals conscious only of the need for personal gratification , they would have neither desire nor energy to combine and work for the downfall of the enemy .
4 He and his fellow escapee had been told that if they could get to Marseilles , then in unoccupied France , they stood a good chance of finding a ship bound for England .
5 ‘ We told them that if they could find a better vaccine they should use it .
6 They were told that if they could supply soap , toothpaste , toothbrushes , disposable razors , disinfectant , cotton sheets and pillow-cases and adult shorts and T-shirts , such items could be shipped to Honduras free of charge on a returning banana boat .
7 We believe that if we could liberate this wealth of talent we would transform our economy and create a shared society of which we should all be proud .
8 I am sure that if we could have met , all estrangement would have vanished instantly ; but , having to rely on the written word ( and that in the cramped space of air-letters which took so long to come and go ) , and missing expression of face and tone of voice , to which we were both very sensitive , we kept up our guard for a time .
9 I knew that if we could have released three or four , we could have sold more records .
10 I could not help feeling that if we could have had him from the moment of the return of Civil Government Burma would have been in a happier and more disciplined condition , ready to see the real task which the nation would have to face as soon as its political future was decided .
11 Surely you realize that if we could have done this we would have done .
12 There were moves to recast the play , but I wanted to stay with Ken and believed that if we could have got it into London we would have had a success . ’
13 Perhaps they reflect nothing at all except the accidents of conception : but I suspect that there is often , in fact , a buried clue here , and that if we could unearth it we should know something about the early growth of many market towns that no documents will ever tell us .
14 When my mother and I called on him he said that if we could wait a few days he would find the right frame and have it stove-enamelled black .
15 Erm , clearly we 've got enough op , it would seem that if we could recruit somebody for the rest of this year , and er which would help us get our times down , if in if in fact we were able to recruit somebody who was instantly productive , which is not all that likely .
16 Barth therefore concluded that it was correct to argue that if we could define God then God must exist .
17 And I think if , and I know it was agreed at group leaders meeting , that if we could find a way that Mr could be paid these erm , allowances , it would be important to allow him to pursue the work which is being done on that committee , and I would hope that we might all agree to the recommendation , and that is when he 's on the steering group , it 's attendance erm , full attendance and er travelling , but on the others , travelling and subsistence .
18 Harry and I thought at one stage that if we could find a proper home
19 There was a sense of immaturity in our society , an admiration of the crook , the kind of cock-eyed notion that if someone could get away with it he was a Robin Hood type who could somehow feather his own nest and at the same time feather theirs .
20 ‘ Only that if you could stay with her for a night or two , I might manage to get over and see you there . ’
21 It was theorised that if you could panic the twitchers , and turn the twitches into runs , that would be the answer .
22 We talked about Niki in Austria and from that conversation I realized that the two drivers were reverse medals of each other and that if you could combine the two , you would probably have the perfect driver .
23 He thought that if you could orient molecules in yarn or film — just as Wallace Carothers did when he invented nylon in the same company in the 1930s — why could n't you apply the same technique to plastic bottles to make them stronger ?
24 But I just thought that if you could afford it
25 I 'm not breaking my stated rule here and recommending this hotel , just saying that it is there and that if you could get the back bedrooms you would have a most remarkable scene to look out on .
26 Its bed and furniture were entirely homely , however , and perhaps not as dainty as the elegant young French lady might like , but it did have a nice view of the hustle and bustle of Newington Butts , and Mrs Beavis always reckoned that if you could see life going on from your window , you could n't grumble too much about not having dainty furniture .
27 The report deal deals with a fair detail and concentration and then on page four this the erm main results of the different elements of the result and though grouping them into those had high levels of sport er to those that were where now the officers and a I think that if you could see that er er there was a considerable census for those from the officer part of the .
28 May I help you by suggesting that if you could persuade the Prime Minister to fix the election date now there would be no need for this pre-election period — if the Prime Minister would stop shilly-shallying because he is afraid of going to the country .
29 I slept with only one dream , exulting in the thought that if I could do this , why should n't I one day try to do something to help Clare to walk more easily ?
30 It was in a sling and I figured that if I could move it , I could play . ’
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