Example sentences of "[conj] if [pron] have [adv] " in BNC.

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1 One or two of his colleagues may know something of his patch if they have covered for him when he was unavailable , or if they have previously worked it before being transferred elsewhere .
2 A sentence has only one invariant meaning , or if it has more than one , as in the case of structural or lexical ambiguity , its meanings can be exactly specified .
3 It is at this point that I do n't know if I can help , or if I have somehow wounded him too badly .
4 When we are told of any significant or long-term changes , we will inform you at the time of booking or if you 've already booked , you will be contacted before your departure if there is time .
5 Anyone with a history of injuries ( or if you have already been skiing and suffered one ) will benefit from a session on their Cybex analysis machine ( £30 ) which sagely tests joint and muscular strength at different resistances .
6 If you get any irritation — or if you have just overdone the sun a little — put three camomile teabags in your bath to soothe your skin .
7 ‘ It does not matter if you are the world champion or a top-ranking player or if you have just won two tournaments in a row .
8 If you do not have enough of the right kinds of food , or if you have too many high-fat , high-sugar foods in the cupboard , it is difficult to keep strictly to a diet .
9 Please check your envelope to see if your address/postal code is correct or if you have recently been allocated a new telephone coding PLEASE send relevant information to at the Office as soon as possible .
10 But would it have been different if Mrs Thatcher had had a spell on income support ? or if she had ever lugged a buggy , baby , toddler and bags of shopping on and off her infrequent , deregulated buses ?
11 I think that if they had just local lads to contend with there would be no problems .
12 Ahmed Deedat told thousands of Muslims who filled the Albert Hall in central London that if they had only shown the non-Muslim majority that Mr Rushdie had grievously insulted the Queen , Margaret Thatcher and all white women in The Satanic Verses , then the author would have been condemned by all of society and the book banned .
13 th , th again , again you see the strength of this course is that if nobody had actually given you time like , you 'd have never known .
14 He then gave me a slight shock by lapsing into a brief sort of reverie , and saying that if one had ever felt like ‘ murdering someone ’ , one could never do anything about it .
15 And can I tell you , that if we 'd just done Covermaster , somebody could have picked up a point there .
16 In fact , however , it turns out that if we have only the former of these two features , that is , gliding to , all the diphthongs which are ( -gliding to ) can be distinguished from each other in terms of their beginnings , using the features we have already introduced .
17 It seems to imply , for one thing , that if someone has very strong preferences about what happens beyond his own person he thereby renders it important that certain things be done or left undone which have little or nothing to do with his personal life .
18 I think that if you 've only got twenty spaces then that 's difficult because we 've got a hundred and something members most of whom are in the central belt
19 I , when I took them back and looked at them , there were lots and lots of , of re er , errors if you like that if you had really looked at them you could of picked out yourself .
20 The good news is that if you have already had the vaccine , you do n't need a booster .
21 I 've given you the two , er , the one that gives you the most space for the day , on the basis that if you have too much space for daily planning , it 's maybe irritating .
22 Yes I just want to explain very quickly for people who do n't know what we 're talking about , Leslie , because a lot of people join us by the minute , er , MPs on the Commons ' Heritage Committee , have said , they think it 's a very good idea , that if you have more than one telly , you should pay twenty pounds for the second one , and who knows , twenty pounds for the third , and twenty pounds extra for the fourth .
23 At thirty-one , he remarks to Louise — a parenthesis to a hypothesis — that if he had ever had a son , he would have taken great pleasure in procuring women for him .
24 The increased dose they would get from having Hinkley C on their doorstep , according to Jeremy Western ( a manager from the Board 's Health Physics department who confidently fronted the radiation case ) was less than if they had simply moved from one part of Britain to another — where the ‘ natural ’ background radiation happened to be higher .
25 By resorting to a money-lender it became more difficult to conceal their embarrassment — than if they had merely run up bills with retailers .
26 Town 's drugs are often made in Britain , flown to the Far East or some other convenient staging post and then brought back on the next night — to be sold more cheaply than if they had never left Britain .
27 Educationally , girls work harder and do better than if they had still been in school .
28 If I may anticipate a point which , I know from experience , the hon. Member for Oldham , West ( Mr. Meacher ) may in due course seek to make , those increases mean that , when looked at alongside the extra help that we have made available in the past four years through income-related benefits for the less well-off families with children , which will amount to some £600 million next year , total expenditure on help to families next year will be higher than if we had simply increased child benefit each year since 1987-88 .
29 On the whole Karelius thought not ; Lapointe 's attentions were rather more extravagant , and less proprietary , than if he had already achieved his goal .
30 What is more , de Man argues , metaphor overcomes the opposition between inner repose and outer action because Marcel 's imagination gives him access to the outside world ; of a kind that allows him to possess it " much more effectively than if he had actually been present in an outside world that he could then have only known by bits and pieces " ( 1979 : 60 ) .
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