Example sentences of "[conj] if [noun] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The arrest could then be lawful if B had in fact stolen the thing in question or if A reasonably suspected B of having stolen it , provided ( in the last case ) that the thing had in fact been stolen by someone .
2 A will have the statutory power of arrest it B was in fact attempting to steal something in the shed , or if A reasonably suspected him of being in the act of attempting to steal something in the shed .
3 The conversation , in which neither Stephen nor Dadda took part , then turned upon whether " danger list " was merely a figurative term or if hospitals actually maintained such ominous catalogues .
4 Fletcher resolves this by saying that ‘ [ It ] all depends on what doctors customarily do , ’ so that if doctors customarily switch off ventilators in the circumstances under discussion , then this of itself makes it lawful to do so .
5 But all the signs are that if Britain still withholds its endorsement , the other 11 will conclude an agreement among themselves outside the formal EC framework .
6 Lawyers pointed out that if Newall again lost his appeal over the tape recording , the Crown might be granted full costs .
7 And th there 's a lot of , for Sainsburys the , the feeling being that if Sainsburys also agreed to take it , that lots of other , if there are any others , would follow suit cos everybody seems to look at Sainsburys and see what they 're doing .
8 If one divides all newly created value into v + s it follows that if v only represents that portion which workers actually receive , then all monetary deductions from wages belong to surplus-value .
9 Well what what you could do is put in brackets somewhere a list of accents you can think of so that if people really do n't know what to do .
10 That 's highlighting , I guess , one of the points Sue made , that it 's very important when you answer the telephone in the O U P to say exactly who you are , or which department you work in , or something to do with your identity on the phone , because in the system , you could see that if Anthea now diverted her phone to 3434 , you want to call 3485 and you 'll get 3434 .
11 Do you not agree that if God ever did say Let there be light he must have been over Norfolk at the time ? ’
12 And if Tutilo never comes back from Longner ? ’ she asked , wavering between hope and dread .
13 Theoretically at least , if tourism was to increase by £20,000 million , ( four-fold ) , and if holidays previously taken abroad were taken at home , the calculations justify the transfer of tax burden entirely from earnings to spending .
14 By now your legs should be dropping hints about their preferences and if tiredness really has set in , the last top , Sgurr na Moraich , can be avoided by descending to the glen from the final col .
15 And if peptides really did code for memories , should there not be many more of them in the brain than one actually finds ?
16 Theorem 3 If the list x contains every free variable that the finite program P ever inputs or assigns to , and if P never evaluates an uninitialised variable , then there is a true x-normal form program P' such that unc and P = P' is provable from our laws and the rule of substitution for expressions .
17 There 's a grungy , thrash band playing upstairs , who get the approval of the reggae crew , and if Zoë suddenly came over the speakers , then people would probably wave their arms in the air .
18 There is still a future for DOS — these users are n't just going to disappear , and if people still want DOS products .
19 If initial position is reserved for theme and if topic always occurs in initial position , then theme and topic are presumably the same thing .
20 Lying there at seven o'clock in the morning , suddenly wide awake , as was her manner , it seemed to her quite obvious that she and Charles should get divorced : it had surely long been inevitable , and if Charles really wanted to marry that woman ( or had he perhaps been joking ? — no , perhaps not ) , well then , let him .
21 I had to read it , a little of it , and if listeners never hear any good of themselves , then the little which I read shamed me forever .
22 These organisms may then colonise the neonate during vaginal delivery , and if infection subsequently develops , establishing effective antibiotic treatment may be difficult .
23 And I mean I think that if it was spread more I mean if if if people locally gave more to bereaved in their own areas , I mean it would go down a lot more good there .
24 But if selection positively encourages the change or is neutral to it , most or all the individuals in a population would gradually change from one phenotypic form to another .
25 But if investors also believed share prices would fall , they would demand a higher price for their money .
26 Costs remain essentially unchanged if these forks continue to elongate isometrically , but if elongation instead proceeds by further deepening of the fork through lengthening its outer but not its central feathers , these outer feathers eventually project beyond the point of maximum continuous width even when spread .
27 But if things finally do get to them , the women succumb first .
28 But I think one of the things that men are afraid of is that when women get into the things the attitudes change , as we were saying about bigotry and religion and so on with football , I do n't think that men want that because this is the perfect club they can enjoy and indulge all that , but if women really get into it the thing will change as society does .
29 But if people now think everything he has touched has turned instantly to gold then Gatting was not alone in being deceived that day .
30 But if politicians also believe that they are being fed distorted and incorrect information by budget-maximizing bureaucrats and that the resources they vote to the administration will be used inefficiently , they will reduce their allocations .
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