Example sentences of "[conj] will [verb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If an outside liquidator is not appointed the OR will continue as liquidator .
2 Many ( but not all ) of the specific recommendations under ( i ) and ( ii ) were accepted and have led or will lead to changes in law or practice .
3 GIBSON ES-345 , 1967 , vintage instrument in superb condition , £1,200 or will swap for PRS Custom 10-top .
4 ( 5 ) Some record offices offer in-service courses , or workshops to allow teachers to prepare their own teaching materials , or will cooperate with teachers ' groups producing resource materials .
5 There are other arguments that have been made along the same general lines , to the effect that to capture regular processes ( e.g. syntactic regularities ) one must refer to pragmatic concepts ( see e.g. Ross , 1975 ) , arguments that will arise from time to time in the Chapters below .
6 Concurrent says the ultimate aim is to produce a supplier-independent , open operating system that will rank alongside Unix , and be complementary to it .
7 The aquarium must be placed on polystyrene base mats , covering the whole area of the base to spread any pressure points that will lead to disaster .
8 Now I want you to find something that will do for guns and fur caps and a saucepan for Emily to cook wolf stew in — ;
9 ICL Plc is to announce a technology transfer deal with Mountain View , California-based Pyramid Technology Corp that will result in Pyramid 's three-schema , symmetric multi-processing bus architecture being incorporated into new ICL SuperSparc-based machines expected in 1994 .
10 As far as I can see , it is the only policy that will appear in Labour 's manifesto , in that Labour want fully elected police authorities .
11 Sybase wants to use it to develop next-generation object-oriented point-and-click administration tools that will appear in Sybase Control Server products , as part of System 10 , next year including SA Companion , SQL Monitor , Configurator and Backup Server .
12 KENYA is drawing up a list of pesticides and medicines to be banned under laws that will pass through parliament this year .
13 For £2.50 one can buy a pot plant that will grow to 2ft in diameter .
14 The experienced reality of this image is the recognition of the nature of God in man that will grow beyond time : " for in and in knowynge of Iesu is fully blis of a resonable soule and endles lif " ( 2.33.110v. – 263 ) .
15 The only difference is that where the vaccine manufacturers use two strains of human flu viruses-one that grows well in hen 's eggs and the other with the currently circulating strain of flu virus so as to get the right antigens — the object in the latest work is to obtain a non-disease causing flu virus that will grow in humans but will also protect against the particular strain of wild type flu that is in circulation .
16 But the reason they can not press on to victory is transparent : the central planning dear to people like Mr Li and Mr Chen stands no chance of coping with 20m or more urban unemployed , a labour force that will grow by 95m in the next five years and rising expectations of wealth .
17 Then the familiar clamour of bickering voices that will last for months began .
18 I recently bought a Series IIA ex-military Land Rover with the intention of completely rebuilding it over the next few years ending up with a vehicle that will last for years to come .
19 It fills us with a deep warmth that will last past midnight .
20 The notion that parents can exert a particularly profound influence during the first few years — an influence that will remain throughout life and can not be eradicated by subsequent experience-is certainly widespread .
21 The amount of detail in a plan is something that will vary with circumstances and a student 's knowledge .
22 Most pay a rate of interest that will vary from time to time , but there is nothing to stop you moving your Tessa from one bank or building society to another if you think you can get a better return from another source .
24 Parallan , a $10m-a-year , three-year-old private company , will sign a joint development agreement with IBM , paving the way for production of servers that will fit between Parallan 's System 290 OS/2 application superservers and the two new high-end IBM PS/2 Model 95s announced last week .
25 They recognise the advantages that will flow from trust status .
26 After that comes the recording in the Pizza Parlour in scenes that will go on air .
27 Yet it does not follow that there will be a constant growth of non-partisan tendencies among MPs , for much depends on the type of new MPs that will arrive at Westminster .
28 The day that will live in infamy is graphically portrayed with extensive use of on-the-spot archive film footage , which is interlinked with film of the various locations as they are today , giving the documentary a ‘ then and now ’ feel .
29 If it is , the day that will live in infamy is ‘ Marlboro Friday ’ .
30 We need sectors that will work in partnership with Government .
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