Example sentences of "[conj] that be [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It means erm , specifically , wean the breast , so that the child accepts solid food or that 's what in general means erm , getting a child off baby food as it went on to adult food .
2 And a joke doing the rounds in various parts of the Reich had a Berliner complaining about the severity of a raid which caused all the glass to fall out of window-frames as much as five hours later and his partner from Essen retorting that that was nothing at all : pictures of the Führer were still flying out of the window fourteen days after the last attack on Essen .
3 The second was that the son ‘ could be expected to have some influence over his elderly parents , and that is something of which the plaintiffs … should have been aware . ’
4 I think I 'd like to start by making a few general points , er and then er it will be a matter for for others to be somewhat more specific , I I I think I can say that the issue of a new settlement of a new settlement in Greater York is is a fairly unique situation , because we have agreement between the development industry and the County Council , and that 's something of a rarity , but also we have mild support from the Department of the Environment , and as Mr Davis has already said , that is backed by public support .
5 ‘ At least we 'll be taking two kids off drugs , ’ I said warmly , ‘ and that 's something to be proud of . ’
6 Twenty one say no and that 's something to be sure of as well .
7 The second element is the real increased resources for the committee and that comes to thirty five thousand pounds and that 's something at one point six percent .
8 Not only must you spray regularly , but it 's a good idea to vary the brand of spray that you use ; the nasty wee beasties soon develop resistance if you use the same one over and over again , and that 's something worth taking the time to avoid .
9 It 's about the future of our planet and that 's something worth fighting for … the real challenge for politicians is to convince people that being keen on the environment is not a cost-free option . ’
10 Just to take listeners through it carefully , erm excuse me , firstly people on income support only will still get the Home Care service free , and that 's something like seventy per cent of the recipients of the Home Help Service will still continue to get the service free .
11 And that 's me without it .
12 That 's a and that 's one with a K.
13 But if you 've got excitement — and that 's anything from romancing to stalking in the dark — then you 'll be alert in the wee small hours .
14 And that 's it for another week but do n't forget the late news at eleven thirty .
15 And that 's it for the first six thirty show of this week .
16 And that 's it for tonight , join us on
17 And that 's it for tonight , join us on
18 And that 's it for this evening so I 'll look forward to seeing you next week then , okay ?
19 And that 's it for now .
20 And that 's it for another year on Central News .
21 And that 's it for that in n it ?
22 All she 'll do , is she 'll sleep through to , she 'll sleep through to like six , and then get up and that 's it for the day .
23 So we 'll have a couple of drinks and that 's it for tonight .
24 You 're joking , we get our chicken and that 's it at Christmas .
25 And that 's it from us for today .
26 And that 's it from Kalgoorlie , the last few cars are flying around .
27 and that 's it from Australia … on Friday we 'll be forgetting all about the sunshine … all about the solar cells … we 'll be back burning fuel … driving through the rain and mud of winter in the RAC Rally
28 And that 's it from us for the moment , Ann Lucas will be here at ten-thirty with the late news but from us for the moment , goodnight .
29 And that 's it from us for the moment , a very good night .
30 So there we are , that 's the woofers tonight at the Oxford Stadium , and that 's it from Talking Sport this Saturday .
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